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Chapter 7 Advanced Sketching and Constraining Techniques.

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1 Chapter 7 Advanced Sketching and Constraining Techniques

2 After completing this chapter, you will be able to – Create and constrain an ellipse – Create a 2D spline – Create a pattern of sketch geometry – Share a sketch – Utilize both the symmetry constraint and mirror tool – Slice the graphics window – Sketch on another parts face – Change the display of dimensions – Create relationships between dimensions – Create parameters –Create a part that is driven from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Chapter 7 - Objectives

3 Ellipses –Can be trimmed, extended, and dimensioned –Offset Concentric ellipse Spline profile Major or minor axis

4 2D Splines –Create complex shapes –Free flowing shapes –Points –Edited and Controlled –Spline options

5 2D Splines Spline options –Bowtie Handle Curvature Flat

6 2D Splines Spline options –Fit Method Standard Minimum Energy AutoCAD

7 2D Splines Spline options –Insert Point –Close Spline –Display Curvature

8 2D Splines Spline options –Spline Tension –Constrain and Dimension a Spline

9 Exercise 7-1 Advanced Sketching

10 Pattern Sketches –Instead of creating multiple sketches –Rectangular or Polar –Occurrences or Elements –Rectangular & Circular Pattern dialog box Suppress Associative Fitted –Occurrences or Elements

11 Shared Sketches –Copy of the original sketch –Same sketch geometry, dimensions & face –Same name –Update –On limit

12 Mirror Sketches –Create a symmetrical part –Symmetry constraint Reduce the number of constraints and dimensions Changes - updates Automatically Manually –same object type –lie on opposite sides of a line

13 Slice Graphics –Obscuring the view –Plane that is difficult to see –Temporarily slice away –Parts or assemblies

14 Sketch on another Part’s Face –Sketch Can be placed on a face or plane of another part Not limited to first sketch Associated Adaptive

15 Exercise 7-2 Projecting Edges and Sketching On Another Part’s Face

16 Dimension Display Dimensional Relationships –Set up relationships between dimensions Dimension Display –Automatically tagged - label “d” and a number (d0, d27) –Five options (Display as..) Value, Name, Expression Tolerance Precise Value –Change dimension display style

17 Dimension Relationships –Setting relationship between creating and existing dimensions – Edit Dimension dialog box Dimensions label (d#) Prefix fx = value based on parameter or other dimension

18 Dimension Equations –Can be used whenever a value is required –Example.. (d9/4)*2, or 50 mm + 19 mm prefixes, precedence, operators, functions, syntax, and units –Help system –Invalid expression Red

19 Parameters –User-defined name assigned a numeric value, either explicitly or through equations –Multiple parameters depth = length – width –Anywhere a value is required –Three types model parameters user parameters linked parameters

20 Parameters –Parameters dialog box Model Parameters –automatically Reference Parameters –driven dimension User Parameters –manually defined – Column names Parameter Name Units Equation Nominal Value Tol Model Value Export Parameters Column Comment

21 Parameters To use parameters –Any time a number is required –Type –List Parameters option in most dialog boxes

22 Linked Parameters –Multiple values & same parameters –Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel

23 Linked Parameters –Spreadsheet Embedded no link – no updates –Spreadsheet Linked will update more than one can be linked –Guidelines –Edit

24 Exercise 7-3 Auto Dimension, Relationships and Parameters

25 Summary ToDo This Create splinesClick the Spline tool on the 2D Sketch Panel Bar. Pattern a sketch objectClick either the Rectangular Pattern tool or Circular Pattern tool on the 2D Sketch Panel Bar. Share a sketchRight-click on the sketch name in the Browser and select Share Sketch from the menu. Mirror a sketch elementsClick the Mirror tool on the 2D Sketch Panel Bar. Temporarily slice away a portion of the model that obscures the plane After making a sketch active, right-click and select Slice Graphics from the menu. Project selected edges, vertices, work features, curves, or silhouette edges Click the Project Geometry tool on the 2D Sketch Panel Bar. Sketch on a plane of another part Click the 2D Sketch tool on the standard toolbar and click on any planar face or plane of another part. Create parametersClick the Parameters tool on the Sketch, Part Features, or the Assembly Panel Bars.

26 Project Exercise Chapter 7

27 Applying Your Skills Skill Exercise 7-1

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