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3CBG 4/5/2005 Banner tips and tricks Brian Nolan.

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Presentation on theme: "3CBG 4/5/2005 Banner tips and tricks Brian Nolan."— Presentation transcript:

1 3CBG 4/5/2005 Banner tips and tricks Brian Nolan

2 Viewing the Entire Field

3 Control-E will display full title

4 To enable extract, set to “Data Block Only” on GUAOBJS Data Extract to Excel


6 Under “Help” select “Extract Data No Key”


8 Excel Download If you are using INB: –Download will produce spreadsheet which you can open in a new browser window and save where you want If you are using client server: –Download will save to a folder specified on GUAUPRF

9 Excel Download Quick format: –Control-A to select entire spreadsheet –Format Column –Auto-fit Selection

10 Excel Download Save as.xls format to save formatting Open in MS Excel Open in MS Access

11 Expert Query


13 Enter a colon : in a field


15 To sort a column order by : To sort in descending order order by : desc

16 Query is now sorted by name in ascending order

17 Now let’s select a date range

18 Colon is in the cashier date field

19 Only transactions between May 12 and 17 are displayed

20 ... a little fancier...

21 Now it is sorted by date

22 A little fancier: query on two columns



25 Tips on entering dates Banner assumes current year and current month: 11092004 = 09-NOV-2004 1109 = 09-NOV-2005 09 = 09-APR-2005 Any letter in any date field means current date: X = 05-APR-2005

26 Tips on editing Journal Vouchers Changing the header date will re-edit all the transactions -can be time consuming, but beats doing it manually! -Querying on status indicator “E” will find records set to error status -Sometimes status is set to null. Use expert query to find : is null -$0.00 amount. If this errors out, use [Record Remove].

27 This form displays all (fully approved) documents currently awaiting posting.

28 Tips on Year End

29 Before June 30th -Review FTMCOAS and FTMFTYP set-up -Run FPPPOBC (Purchase order batch close) -Clean up suspended documents -Be sure that funds terminating June 30th or earlier are “zeroed out”

30 Before June 30th -Run FGRGLRL in audit mode and check for the following key words: –“No Fund” –“Fund Balance Indicator” –“General Ledger” –“Do Not Balance” –“Accumulated Balance”

31 After close of day June 30th -Run TSRDETL (Student AR detail) -Back up and save AR tables before start-of- business in the new year -Detail AP reconciliation -Scheme for identifying old-year invoices entered in the new year?

32 July/August timing -Run FGRGLRL -Date? I’d suggest around July 15 - 20 -Concurrent year processing and FOMPROF -When does period 14 (“Accrual Period”) start? -Run FGRENRL -Probably immediately after FGRGLRL -Encumbrances can be rolled manually using an E090 rule code

33 July/August timing -Run FGRBDRL -Wait as long as possible! -Grant implications -Don’t run FGRCLOP -ever! -Any other suggestions or “lessons learned”?

34 Any other: clever ideas? shortcuts? pearls of wisdom? Questions?

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