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Tobacco Products u Objectives: – Describe the various forms of tobacco products – Explain how nicotine affects the body. – Identify 2 other dangerous substances.

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Presentation on theme: "Tobacco Products u Objectives: – Describe the various forms of tobacco products – Explain how nicotine affects the body. – Identify 2 other dangerous substances."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tobacco Products u Objectives: – Describe the various forms of tobacco products – Explain how nicotine affects the body. – Identify 2 other dangerous substances in tobacco smoke. – Examine why using smokeless tobacco is not a safe alternative to smoking. u Key Words: – Nicotine – Smokeless tobacco – Chewing tobacco – Snuff – Stimulant – Tar – Carcinogen – Carbon monoxide u Warm-Up: – NIDA Facts & Questions

2 Tobacco Products u Made from dried, processed leaves of tobacco plants. u Tobacco plants naturally produce a chemical that acts as an insecticide: Nicotine u Nicotine is a stimulant (a drug that increases the nervous system)

3 Tobacco Products Products that are Smoked u Cigarettes—cured & shredded tobacco leaves rolled in paper u Bidis—cigarette-like products of tobacco wrapped in a leaf & tied with a string u Kreteks—contain ground clove (numbs the lungs) u Cigar & Pipe Tobacco—less processed than cigarettes; more nicotine than cigarettes Smokeless Tobacco u Either chewed, placed between the lip & teeth, or sniffed through nose u Chewing Tobacco—Dip, Chew—poor-quality, ground tobacco u Snuff—finely ground, powdered tobacco

4 Chemicals in Tobacco Products: Nicotine & the Body u Nicotine & the Body – Enters the blood through the lungs (smokers) or lining of mouth/nose (smokeless users) – Reaches the brain within seconds & takes place of chemicals that send signals between cells – Affects breathing, movement, learning, memory, mood, and appetite

5 Chemicals in Tobacco Products: Nicotine & the Body u Nicotine’s Short-Term Effects – Increased heart rate – Increased blood pressure – Changes in brain that lead to addiction – First time users: nicotine poisoning: Rapid pulse Clammy skin Nausea Dizziness u Nicotine Addiction – Frequent use leads to dependence for feelings of alertness & pleasure – As tolerance increases, more nicotine is needed for same results. – Without nicotine, users may feel irritated or anxious

6 Chemicals in Tobacco Products: Nicotine & the Body u Psychological Dependence – Used to cope with stressful situations – Associated with social situations – Make quitting difficult u Withdrawal – May begin as soon as 30 minutes after last dose – Symptoms: Headaches Irritability Difficulty sleeping Inability to concentrate Intense nicotine cravings

7 Effects of Nicotine Nervous System Increases activity level Mimics neurotransmitters Decreases reflex actions Activates brain’s “Reward Pathway” Cardiovascular System Increases heart rate & force of contractions Increases blood pressure Reduces blood flow to skin Increases risk of blood clotting Respiratory System Increases mucus production Decreases muscle action in the lungs’ airways Causes breathing to become more shallow Digestive System Increases saliva production Decreases the amount of insulin released from the pancreas Increases bowel activity

8 Chemicals in Tobacco Products: Other Dangerous Chemicals Tar u Dark, sticky substance that forms when tobacco burns u Mixture of hundreds of chemicals u Carcinogen (causes cancer) u Short-Term Effects – Brown stains on fingers & teeth – Smelly hair & clothes – Bad Breath – Paralysis of cilia lining the airways – Increased respiratory infections – Impaired lung function Carbon Monoxide u Odorless, poisonous gass u Binds to hemoglobin molecules in place of oxygen u Red Blood Cells cannot transport oxygen u Causes heart rate & breathing rate to increase

9 Chemicals in Tobacco Smoke

10 Chemicals in Tobacco Products: Other Dangerous Chemicals Chemicals in Smokeless Tobacco u Users absorb 2.5x the nicotine as smoker u Causes – Stained teeth – Bad breath & drooling – Receding gums & tooth decay

11 Tobacco Products & Chemicals in Tobacco Products 1. What is nicotine? 2. List the types of tobacco products that are smoked & the smokeless tobacco products. 3. What part of the body is most affected by the use of smokeless tobacco? 4. What type of drug is nicotine? How does nicotine affect the body? 5. What effects do tar & carbon monoxide have on the bodies of smokers? 6. What is a carcinogen? 7. Explain how smokeless tobacco products harm the body.

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