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Static Electricity.

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Presentation on theme: "Static Electricity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Static Electricity

2 Review: What is inside the atom?
The atom is made of 3 kinds of particles. The electron The proton The neutron

3 The Atom - - + o o - + + + o o o + + + - - - -

4 Charges + + - -

5 Charges + -

6 Insulators and Conductors
Insulators don’t let electrons flow through them Conductors let electrons flow through them Electrons stay stuck on the surface and don’t move— That’s STATIC ELECTRICITY!

7 + + + + - - - + + - + - Charged Objects + - + - + - Neutral Object
- + - Neutral Object + + + - + + + - - - + - Positively Charged Object Negatively Charged Object

8 How Do They Become Charged?
Contact Electrons get passed from one object to the other when they touch Induction Electrons in the object move away or towards another charged object is placed close to it

9 Here’s my silly demo. The balloon will rub against the head and then pull away with the “hair” standing on end. You might need to explain what it’s supposed to be. The next few slides show what is happening to the charges. These should run automatically.

10 Friction

11 - + - + + - - + - - + + + - + - - + - +

12 - - + - + + - - + - - + + + - + - + - +

13 - - + - + + - - + - + + + - + - + - +

14 - - + - + + - - + - + + + - + - + +

15 - - + - + + - - + - + + + + - + +

16 - - + - + + - - + - + + + + - + Re iterate that the head an balloon each started off with the same number of positive and negative charges but the rubbing moved charges onto the balloon and off the head. The balloon is now negatively charged and the head positively charged so that because opposites attract the hairs are attracted to the balloon And because like charges repel the airs are pushed apart from each other. +

17 What happens when you rub a balloon on your head and put it against the wall?



20 Uses of Static Electricity
Spraying a Car Positive Car Negative Spraygun The paint spreads out as each negative drop repels No paint is wasted as the positive car attracts the negative paint

21 No smoke leaves the chimney
Removing Smoke from Power Station Chimnies No smoke leaves the chimney Negative Plate Positive Plate Charge up the Smoke

22 Earthing Petrol Tankers
Petrol rubbing against the pipe can build up a static charge which could cause an explosion The tanker is joined to the ground with a wire to stop a charge building up

23 Lightning

24 What causes lightning? Lightning is actually just static electricity on a much larger scale. The rubbing is caused by air moving around In thunderclouds bottom is usually negative and top is positive.

25 References A Dercho Investigating Science 9 -Pearson

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