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Newmarket 28 Aug 2010-1. 35,000 (average) Thoroughbreds foaled each year – 68%- 24,000 (average) destined to race 60,000 Thoroughbreds raced each.

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Presentation on theme: "Newmarket 28 Aug 2010-1. 35,000 (average) Thoroughbreds foaled each year – 68%- 24,000 (average) destined to race 60,000 Thoroughbreds raced each."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newmarket 28 Aug 2010-1



4 35,000 (average) Thoroughbreds foaled each year – 68%- 24,000 (average) destined to race 60,000 Thoroughbreds raced each year – 70% will win one race per season 5% will win high stakes race


6 Where do the horses go?

7 Discarded vs Repurposed






13 Repurposing









22 Acknowledgments Mrs Ward and Dr Valenza Michelle Birchard and Lisa Powell Susie Gill Mrs Buckley Jeannie Grieve and Zoe Popowcer

23 Works Cited Nelson, B. "Thoroughbred Horses, Life After The Race Track | Sportales." Sportales | Tales, News and Reviews of all that is NFL, Football, Soccer, Baseball, Athletics, Tennis, Fitness and other Sports. N.p., 10 Mar. 2010. Web. 24 Sept. 2010.. The author is educated in pet and horse care, found interest in the life of race horses and investigated the life of race horses after their racing career. This article is an informational report/overview on the topic of race horses off of the track. The authors point of writing this article is to clarify the jobs race horses take up after being adopted, rescued or put up for auction. The main argument in the article is that ex-race horses have another option rather than being slaughtered or put down after their career if people are willing to take them in. The article is directed towards people interested in off the track Thoroughbreds (OTTB) and what they are capable of after being taken off the track. The work in this article is not as clear as other articles I have read, and there is not much background information behind any of the authors points, but it does give a clear overview of what most ex-race horses leave to become after racing. The author strongly believes that other options than being put down or slaughtered are the best way to go when it comes to what to do with ex-race horses. This will help me develope my base of research by giving me an initial idea of what healthy alternitaves to the negative outcome of the end of horses careers of racing are, and what steps need to be taken for OTTBs to have these options. Tate, Nikki. Behind the Scenes: The Racehorse. Brighton: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2008. The author of this book is an animal enthusiast and has almost a lifetime of experience with horses. Her purpose for writing this book is to discover the life of a race horse, uncover the history behind horse racing, and to educate whoever she can on the information collected on horse racing and breeding. The book is an informational report and overview of all things behind the racehorse. The author has no bias viewpoint, seeing that there is no argument in the book. The book is meant for informational purposes, and not to argue a certain side or point. The topic has been adequately addressed, when going through the table of contents, it is evident the author covers each topic for the basic understanding of the racehorse from the history of horse racing to what goes on on race day.The book also includes in depth explanations to the reasoning behind the specific diets horses are put on while in training, and what they should be switched to when taken away from the race track setting. The book lists possible injuries and drugs used in the racing world that are more common and summarizes the plain truth of what usually happens to unsuccessful racehorses such as slaughter, neglect and abandonment. This source was very helpful in the sense of background information on my project. The book is a solid source for me to reference to if i have any unclear basic questions on horse racing. Hegarty, Matt. "Jockey Club favors ban on steroids." ESPN Internet Ventures, 21 Aug. 2007. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.. The author of this article is just a reporter for ESPN of the Jockey Club meeting that was held in 2007 on the potential banning of anabolic steroid use in horse racing in the US. This article is an informational report on the meeting stating what was talked about such as the pros and cons of the use of anabolic steroids and also the testing of illegal medications. The authors points are on what issues were addressed at the Jockey Club meeting in 2007, which were on the use of anabolic steroids and how to fund testing for illegal medications and drugs in horses. The author does not take a position, for the author is only a reporter on the subject, although the Jockey Club all agrees taht the use of anabolic steroids should not be permitted and drug testing should be taken place.The chairman of the Jockey Club, Dinney Phipps, states how numerous horse trainers in the racing world that are putting race horses out on the track are former violators of illegal medications, and how this alone should be a valid reason to begin drug testing in the racing world. The research is very clear, stating exactly what the issues within the racing world are concerning the use of medication and steroids, and stating what the chairman and representatives really think about the issues. The topic has been adequately addressed, all of the readers questions are clearly answered as the article is read, and the topics and points clearly stated. Having the the arguments come straight from the chairmen and board of the Jockey Club ensures that the information and research going into it is valid and clear. The author of the article does not take an objective stance, and is not arguing a certain position. The author is stricly just reporting on what was said at the meeting held. This source is extremely helpful to my research, this will help me narrow down what my topic is going to turn into and will contribute to developing my thesis. The topic of the meeting held provides me with proven statistics and information on how

24 Works Cited "Common Injuries and Ailments." TOBA: Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association. Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association, 2010. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. There is no specific author, but a resource page with all of their resources used to build their site with all their information. This article is an informational overview of common injuries in Thoroughbred race horses. The website and information on it is crafted by the Administrative Staff of TOBA. There is no thesis to the article, exept an overview of what the most common injuries in OTTBs during and after racing. There is no actual argument in this source. The research and facts that support this source come from experts in horse racing all over the world, and from the TOBA. This source has a 'resourses' page that lists all of the sources they refere to in this particular sourse, and refere to authors, articles, associations and racetracks that may have been used to build their information on the page. The work that is presented on this site is very well-researched, seeing that i will be using the sources that the site provides from where they recieved all of their information. The work is clear and well stated. The topic is well addressed making it easy to jump to a specific, more narrow topic such as a specific injury. The author is not motivated to argue a certain position, the page of the site that i am using is specifically facts and knowledge, not author bias. This sourse is extremely helpful to my research, it offers clear discriptions of each injury listed such as quarter crack, colic, and bowed tendon which vary from the most common of injuries like sesamoid fracture and torn suspensory ligament. The source has no viewpoints or favoring sides of a specific topic or issue, but it does state the facts that i need to know about common injuries and ailments of working Thoroughbreds that are affected from the life on and off the track. Masters Evans, Kim. "Animals in Sports." Animal Rights. 2005 ed. Wylie: Information Plus, 2005. 115-121. Print. Information Plus Reference Series. The purpose of this work is to raise awareness of abuse towards animals used for money purposes and game, focusing specifically on race horses, greyhounds, and sled dog racing, cockfighting, and rodeos. The author is an expert in the field since the information is being put into a series of current day topics, specifying in Animal Rights. The authors thesis on horseracing is although it may be the most popular animal sport in the US, the sport is outweighed with negative effects on the competing or training thoroughbreds used. The position that the author takes is that horses are too commonly inbred and drugged during training and competition, then mistreated after their careers are over, often leading to inhumane slaughter. During 2001, MRLS (mare reproductive loss syndrome) killed over 5,000 Kentucky foals and an economic impact of $336 million, and rising condition of EIPH, associated with bleeding from the lungs during exercise. Over 63,000 horses were slaughtered in the US in 2003, selling their meat for $20 a pound overseas. Congress passed the Commercial Transportation of Equine of Slaughter Act in 2001 because of inhumane transport and travel. 3,000 to 5,000 Thoroughbreds retire each year from racing due to illness, injury or lack of ability. The work in this article is very well researched showing numerous charts and statistics on horseracing in the US and Europe. The topic has been adequately addressed, covering all controversial topics with pros and cons of both sides, but also showing opinions. The author is bias towards the negative aspects of horse racing, but the book is about animal rights, so it makes sense. Not only does the author show the negative side of racing, but addresses the improvements that have been made for the well being of the animals. This source is extremely helpful to my research. I learned about all of the real numbers of racing and real statistics which help put my research into perspective, and what to expect. It showed the darker side of racing which is what I am trying to reveal in my research. This helped me develop my argument by providing me with facts that i wasnt aware of. Mullane, Laura Ann. "Beasts of Burden: What happens to thoroughbred racehorses after retirement." The Washington Post. Washington Post Company, 30 May 2010. Web. 23 Nov. 2010. The author of this article conveys her concern about how many thoroughbreds are being bred to race and having their careers ended by injury or unsucess in the earliest years of their lives. She uses her experience with buying racehorses from the auction to create a common ground and a general idea of how horses price points start as high as hundreds of thousands of dollars before they are even born, to dropping to below $1,000 when given to the auction. The author covers statistics on how many horses are bred each year to race, and the success rate within that percentage, and the percent of horses whos career is over by certain ages. The horses off the race track go for so cheap at the auction because of their lack of care, injuries and lack of training. Deford, Frank. "Cruel Retirement for Racehorses." National Public Radio. NPR, 11 Nov. 2005. Web. 23 Nov. 2010. The author of this article, Frank Deford, had a colt named after him, that never ended up being successful in the racing industry. When he found out that it was most likely that his namesake horse ended up at a slaughter house he investigated the life of racehorses after their careers are ended. What he found was that there are three horse slaughter houses in the United States, but they are foreignly owned and operated; two are in Texas and one in Illinois. Last year 65,000 horses went to these slaughter houses to end up on the plates of people in foreign country. Most of these horses are killed by stun guns, which regularly miss their target, leaving the horse to die slowly and painfully. Although there are several Humane laws in the works of being passed, they are put off to the side and not seen as a big deal. Deford says that the thoroughbred industry is also to blame for this because of its reputation for racing injured or inadequately fit horses too often. Drugs are being used to get them to the starting gate, leaving them to race and injure themselves more.

25 Works Cited "Racehorse Welfare: Breeding Practices." Animal Planet. 2010 Discovery Communications L.L.C, 2010. Web. 1 Dec. 2010. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) argues the practice of overbreeding in racehorses, and whether artificial incemenation should be legal.This source is presesnted by Animal Planet and the experts behind the TV Series Jockeys. The Humane Society believes that the current practices of artificial incemenation are leading to commenly growing defects and weaknesses at birth and during development in Thoroughbreds. With this happening early on, when horses begin, or even make it to training for racing careers they are more prone to injury and illness. According to the HSUS, he most common defect is caused by inbreeding which is affecting most thoroughbreds today. Inbreeding has caused the genes of the Thoroughbred to become mutated so their bodies are larger and heavier than their fragile legs can hold, and ruining their feet on the track, usualy ending their careers early due to lameness. Artificial incemenation leads to faster breeding which adds to the problem of retirement. There is a rapidly growing number of retired racehorses each year because of injuries or horses bred that are just not cut out for racing due to faulty genes. The Jockey Club has now stated that to be able to register a Thoroughbred through them, they must have been concieved through natural mating, or "live cover". This sourse gave me information on how the racing industry is handling "inhumane" breeding practices to monitor the rate of the number of Thoroughbreds bred to race each year. It also informed me that really the breeding process is determined by the breeding facility. Red, Christian. "Congress tacks race 'roids, breeding practices and breakdowns." NY Daily News., 2010. Web. 1 Dec. 2010.. "Unlike every other professional and amateur sport, horse racing lacks a central regulatory authority or 'league' that can promulgate uniform rules and regulations," Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), the vice chairwoman who presided over the hearing, said in her opening remarks. "While baseball and football now impose strict rules that severely penalize players for steroids and performance enhancing drugs, horse racing remains a confusing patchwork of different regulations from state to state." Rhoden, William C. "Horse Racing Begins Reform, but Legal Drugs Are Still an Issue." New York Times (New York, NY). 20 Mar 2009: B.13. SIRS Researcher. Web. 05 Nov 2010. Bauers, Sandy. "Horses' Legs: Amazing Things, but There's a Failure Point." Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, PA). 23 May 2006: n.p. SIRS Researcher. Web. 05 Nov 2010. Maese, Rick. "Horse Slaughtering Deeply Divides Racing, Breeding Community." Orlando Sentinel (Orlando, FL). 28 May 2004: n.p. SIRS Researcher. Web. 05 Nov 2010. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.)

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