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Grid and Cloud Computing ProActive Dr. Guy Tel-Zur.

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Presentation on theme: "Grid and Cloud Computing ProActive Dr. Guy Tel-Zur."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grid and Cloud Computing ProActive Dr. Guy Tel-Zur


3 Ignore this slide

4 Starting the Resource Manager and the Scheduler D:\ProActive\ProActiveScheduling- 3.1.2_server\bin\windows>rm-start.bat -ln Starting Resource Manager, Please wait... Resource Manager successfully created on rmi://telzur- TOSH:1099/ D:\ProActive\ProActiveScheduling- 3.1.2_server\bin\windows>rm-start.bat -ln Starting Resource Manager, Please wait... Resource Manager successfully created on rmi://telzur- TOSH:1099/ D:\ProActive\ProActiveScheduling- 3.1.2_server\bin\windows>scheduler-start-clean Starting Scheduler, Please wait... Resource Manager URL was not specified, connection made to the local Resource Ma nager at rmi://telzur-TOSH:1099/ Starting scheduler... Scheduler successfully created on rmi://telzur-TOSH:1099/ D:\ProActive\ProActiveScheduling- 3.1.2_server\bin\windows>scheduler-start-clean Starting Scheduler, Please wait... Resource Manager URL was not specified, connection made to the local Resource Ma nager at rmi://telzur-TOSH:1099/ Starting scheduler... Scheduler successfully created on rmi://telzur-TOSH:1099/








12 The Resource Manager

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