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Arabia is a huge peninsula in southwest -ern Asia. Arabia.

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5 Arabia is a huge peninsula in southwest -ern Asia. Arabia

6 1. Persian Gulf is to the East 2. Arabian Sea is to the South 3. Red Sea is to the West Persian Gulf Red Sea Arabian Sea

7 1. Jabal al Hijaz Mountains along the West coast 2. East Coast- Al Jabal Al Akhdar- suitable for farming

8 3. Inner part of the Arabian Peninsula is mostly desert.

9 The world’s largest continuous body of sand on the Arabian peninsula is called the??. Empty quarter

10 Oases are watered by _____ springs. People can grow crops in these areas and some are large enough to support towns.

11 YO Yemen Oman Some Arabians live in the southwestern area that is known as Yemen. These people were known as the __________ civilization. Other Arab people lived to the north, in what is known today as Jordan, around 300 B.C. Their kingdom was called Nabataea. The capital was ___________. Sabaean, Petra

12 A group of people traveling across the desert together for safety. Group of people who traveled and traded in Arabia. Word means “People of the desert” They traveled together; some became rich and powerful traders.

13  New religion that began in _________.  Means “submit” to the will of God Followers of Islam are called ____________.  The teachings of Islam have been written down in the __________. Arabia, Muslims, Quran

14 Muhammad was born in the city of_________. Mecca located on the Arabian Peninsula and was a huge trading center. Muhammad lived in the city of Mecca, which was the location of the _________. Mecca, Khadija, Kaaba

15 Muhammad and his wife fled from Mecca to Medina. This night flight was called a ___________. This migration in 622 was a major turning point for Muslims and it began the Islamic calendar. hijra

16 1. Belief in one God, Allah and Muhammad is the only prophet. 2. Muslims pray 5 times a day while looking toward Mecca, their holy city. 3. Give to those in need, especially the poor. 4. Fast during the holy month of Ramadan 5. Muslims who can afford it should visit the holy city of Mecca at least once in their lives.

17 The Fifth pillar is considered to be a pilgrimage- a journey for religious purposes.

18  The modern city of Mecca, in Saudi Arabia (Arabian Peninsula) is the center of a world wide Muslim community.  Islam has been anchored in both the life of Muhammad and the teachings of the Quran.  The religion of Islam has shaped civilizations and human achievements

19 In 726 a Muslim ruler, al- Mansur built a capital city along the Tigris in present- day Iraq. ______ became the center of Muslim’s civilization’s greatest achievements in science, art and architecture.

20 A caliph is a Muslim leader, who has both religious and political________. authority

21 Caliph means successor to the Prophet. The lands he rules is called a calphate.

22 The caliphs valued education an learning. Written works were preserved in a huge library called, the???. House of Wisdom

23 Advances in medicine: Ibn Sina or Avicenna wrote a medical book, describing how diseases spread through the air and water.

24 Advances in math and science algebra Arabic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4…2,000 Muslims added to the field of Algebra. Advanced in the study of astronomy and improved the Greek astrolabe- used to figure out the position of stars

25 Arab musicians made and performed music on a stringed instrument called an oud (OOD). Another invention was a similar instrument called a guitar. This one is on your test.

26 Saudi Arabia- the largest country Present day countries that make up the … Yemen- to the southwest Remember YO Oman- next to Yemen- the O in YO United Arab Emirates- 3 words- big name, smaller country Qatar- in the book as a “purple finger ” Bahrain- small island Kuwait- we liberated this country from Iraq

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