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Ashford District Governor Briefing Autumn 2015 Welcome.

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1 Ashford District Governor Briefing Autumn 2015 Welcome

2 Agenda Welcome Tina Gimber, Governor Services, South Kent Kent Governor Association Ambrose Oliver & Matthew Roberts, Ashford KGA Reps. Provision of School Places David Adams, Area Education Officer, South Kent School Improvement Fiona Wainde, Senior Improvement Advisor, South Kent In the News Tina Gimber, Governor Services, South Kent

3 Polite Reminders ! Housekeeping Paper free ! Have you signed the register? List two actions that you will complete following this discussion. Please complete the online evaluations (direct to you via email)

4 Kent Governors Association Ambrose Oliver Matthew Roberts Autumn 2015

5 Commissioning School Places David Adams Area Education Officer Autumn 2015

6 Progress in Implementing Proposals For September 2015 our commissioning intentions were to: Commission 30 Year R places in Ashford South - not needed as numbers were lower than forecast. Commission a new primary school for Finberry, Cheeseman’s Green. Opened off-site in Sept 2015. Will move to permanent location in Sept 2016. Expand Wyvern School by between 60-70 places - consulting on an expansion of 80 places (from 190 to 270). Woodchurch CEPS increased its PAN from 20 to 26 for Sep 2016.

7 Forecasting accuracy - Primary Forecast Reception Year 2014/15 1573 Actual Reception Year Jan 20151480 Forecast Primary Roll 2014/15 10476 Actual Primary Roll Jan 2015 10327 Reception pupils were 6.3% higher than forecast. Total rolls were 1.4% higher than forecast.

8 Forecasting accuracy - Secondary Forecast Year 7 2014/15 1331 Actual Year 7 Jan 20151330 Forecast Secondary Roll 2014/156428 Actual Secondary Roll Jan 2015 6445 The forecasts for both Year 7 pupils and secondary pupils generally were very close to the actual numbers on roll in January 2015. The total secondary forecast was lower than the actual roll by 0.3%.

9 Targets Maintain between 5% and 7% surplus capacity in each District: Reception Year:Years R - 6 January 20157.2%January 20154.3% Across Kent ensure that 85% of parents secure their first preference primary school and 84% secure their first preference secondary school: 89% of primary parents and 83% of secondary parents secured their first preference school.

10 Birth Rates – Ashford, Kent, National

11 Ashford births

12 Housing Ashford’s core strategy (2008) states the target of 20,000 new homes to be built in the Borough between 2001 and 2021. By 31 March 2015. 7,919 new homes were completed. The current housing trajectory for completions suggests between a further 8,000 to 10,000 new dwellings being completed by 2021.

13 2016/20 Draft Commissioning Plan Demand for school places is mainly caused by inward migration connected to house-building and the birth rate (at 2 to 3 points above the County and National rates). Although the birth rate dropped significantly in 2013 there was a slight recovery in 2014. The number of births in 2014 remains 4FE fewer than the peak of 2012. The expansion of schools and opening of three new schools since 2012 has kept capacity in line with demand. Moving forward, temporary expansions will be needed to manage the peak in demand for Year R places in 2016- 17 and 2017-18, and new schools will be required to support major housing developments.

14 2016/20 Plan – Secondary places Secondary pressures begin in Year 7 in 2019-20 when demand is expected to exceed supply, and by 2021-22 only 2% of all secondary school places are forecast to be vacant. Plans are in place for a new secondary school in the Chilmington Green development (5,750 homes) from 2022-23.

15 2016/20 Commissioning Plan Primary Commissioning Position: Planning Group By 2016/17 By 2017/18By 2018/19By 2019/20 Ashford South East 1FE expansion - Finberry Ashford South30 Yr R places 1 st FE of 2FE school – Chilmington 30 Yr R places 2 nd FE of Chilmington Willesborough2FE new school - Willesborough

16 2016/20 Commissioning Plan Secondary Commissioning Position: By 2016/17 By 2017/18 By 2018/19 By 2019/20 2019-20 60 Yr 7 Places 2020-21 90 Yr 7 Places 2022-23 1 st 4FE of 8FE school in Chilmington

17 Ashford District Governor Briefing National, Local and Ofsted Updates Fiona Wainde Senior Improvement Adviser - Primary Autumn 2015

18 South Kent Team Fiona WaindeSenior Adviser07718 272360 David AdamsArea Education Officer07740 184848 Tina GimberGDSO07712 301352 Jenny HowarthEYFS Adviser07919 414580 Jenny JonesIA: Ashford and Dover07795 650850 Simon MolonyIA: Ashford, Dover and Shepway07740 183928 Sam Morgan-PriceIA: Ashford and Shepway07826 868052 Wendy SimmonsIA: Shepway07753 227715 Ruth SwailesIA: Ashford and Shepway07872 199615 Jayne TrueIA: Dover and Shepway07917 848622 Sheila WildingIA: Dover and Shepway07740 183966 Tom WinekSISO07795 650813 Barbara Morrison Natalie Briggs Administration Team03000 415068

19 School Improvement Support Entitlement is unchanged: –Securely good/outstanding = 3 visits –RI/Risk of RI = up to 12 visits –Category/Risk of Category = up to 20 visits –Academy = 3 keep in touch visits –Appraisal for Headteachers of RI and category schools –Support during Ofsted Visits include those of IA, EYFS Adviser or GDSO Visits are evaluative, with recommended next steps Progress and impact meetings for more schools – termly or seasonally Each visit is approx. 3 hours Additional visits can be purchase via School Improvement Team directly (pay as you go) or via SLA Contact: Jayne Bartholomew 03000415820 ment_from_september_2015_is_here/

20 New Headteachers in Ashford HeadteacherSchool Alison CrockfordCharing CEP School Cheryl ChalkleyMersham Primary School Sara WilliamsonSt Michael’s CEP School, Tenterden Jennifer BaileyFinberry Primary School Cathy HylandsBeaver Green Primary School

21 2015 Pupil Performance Outcomes Update Kent, Area and District

22 South Kent Achievements EYFS & KS1 GLD (%)Phonics (%) Level 2+ Reading (%) Level 2+ Writing (%) Level 2+ Maths (%) North71.176.49187.993.4 South72.579.491.688.494 East72. West76.479.792.989.595

23 South Kent Achievements at KS2 Level 4 R/W/M (%) Expected progress Reading (%) Expected progress Writing (%) Expected progress Maths (%) GPS (%) North80.991.694.489.979.3 East79.691. South79.491.19588.575.9 West81.49294.989.479.4

24 Summer outcomes Early Years Foundation Stage % 2013 Kent (%) 2014 Kent (%) 2015 Kent (%) Direction of travel 2015 Kent Target (%) 2015 National (%) Kent v National 2015 Ashford (%) 2015 Dover (%) 2015 Shepway (%) Percentage of children achieving a Good Level of Development *based on 151 Local Authorities 63.568.673.17366.2Above73.273.970.4

25 Summer outcomes Early Years Foundation Stage 2015 District% GLD 2013 % GLD 2014 % GLD 2015 2015 comparison with National District Rank (out of 12) Kent63.568.673.1Above South Kent 63.667.772.5Above2 nd (out of 4 areas) Ashford63.566.073.2Above7 th Dover69.069.773.9Above5 th Shepway58.267.970.4Above11 th

26 Key Stage 1 - 2015 % 2013 Kent (%) 2014 Kent (%) 2015 Kent (%) Direction of travel 2015 Kent Target (%) 2015 National (%) Kent v National KS1 Phonics66.964.667.0--76.8* Above KS1 level 2b and above Reading 79.381.784.18582.1* Above KS1 level 2b and above Writing 66.769.574.07772.1* Above KS1 level 2b and above Maths 79.281.584.08581.6* Above *based on 153 Local Authorities

27 Key Stage 1 - 2015 Kent (%) South (%) Ashford (%) Dover (%) Shepway (%) KS1 Phonics67.069.269.968.169.1 KS1 level 2b and above Reading 84.1 84.686.381.3 KS1 level 2b and above Writing KS1 level 2b and above Maths84.082.783.484.480.2

28 Ashford Key Stage 1 - 2015 2013 (%) 2014 (%) 2015 (%) Trend Comparison with National (%) 2015 District Rank EYFS GLD 63.566.073.266.2 Above 7 KS1 Phonics 66.475.979.5--4 KS1 level 2b and above Reading 77.481.984.682.1 Above 5 KS1 level 2b and above Writing 62.467.072.872.1 Above 5 KS1 level 2b and above Maths 77.482.183.481.6 Above 8

29 Key Stage 2 - 2015 % 2013 Kent (%) 2014 Kent (%) 2015 Kent (%) 2015 Kent Target (%) 2015 National (%) Kent v National KS2 level 4 and above RWM7479808380= KS2 level 4 and above Reading8589 n/a 89= KS2 level 4 and above Writing838687 = KS2 level 4 and above Maths8386 87Below KS2 level 4 and above GPS717478n/a80Below 2 levels progress Reading8791 93 91= 2 levels progress Writing919395 94Above 2 levels progress Maths86899091 90= KS2 level 5 and above RWM2225 27 24Above 3 levels progress Reading28343336 -- 3 levels progress Writing31353938 -- 3 levels progress Maths31353438 --

30 Key Stage 2 - 2015 % Kent (%) South (%) Ashford (%) Dover (%) Shepway (%) KS2 level 4 and above RWM 8079.477.881.179.7 KS2 level 4 and above Reading 8989.188.390.089.1 KS2 level 4 and above Writing 8787.386.987.987.4 KS2 level 4 and above Maths 8685.984.986.786.5 KS2 level 4 and above GPS 7875.975.375.876.8 2 levels progress Reading 9191.190.093.390.4 2 levels progress Writing 9595.095.495.993.6 2 levels progress Maths9088.586.390.689.3

31 Ashford Key Stage 2 - 2015 % 2013 (%) 2014 (%) 2015 (%) Trend (%) Comparison with national (%) District Rank KS2 level 4 and above RWM 71.681.177.8 80 Below 11 KS2 level 4 and above Reading 84.688.8 88.389 Below 11 KS2 level 4 and above Writing 81.385.4 86.987 Below 9 KS2 level 4 and above Maths 79.383.3 84.987 Below 11 KS2 level 4 and above GPS 69.370.975.3 80 Below 10 2 levels progress Reading 87.290.4 90.0 91 Below 11 2 levels progress Writing 90.293.995.4 94 Above 3 2 levels progress Maths 82.886.3 90 Below 12 KS2 level 5 and above RWM 19.523.023.5 24 Below 7 3 levels progress Reading 27.432.329.8 -- 11 3 levels progress Writing 28.532.738.4 -- 6 3 levels progress Maths 22.629.729.3 -- 12

32 Closing the Gap – 2015 District 2014 FSM attainmen t L4+ RWM (%) 2014 Gap (%) 2015 FSM attainme nt L4+ RWM (%) 2015 Gap (%) 2015 Area / District Rank Kent65.517.867.317.6N/A South66.816.667.516.7 2 nd (out of 4 areas) Ashford63.617.964.318.27 th = Dover68.318.270.814.93 rd Shepway68.814.167.817.26 th The proportion of vulnerable pupils achieving a combined Level 4 in South Kent is 16.7%, which is 0.9% below the Kent gap of 17.6% in 2015. The gap has widened in Ashford by 0.3%, narrowed in Dover by 3.3% and widened in Shepway by 3.1%.

33 Closing the SEN Gap – 2015 District 2014 SEN attainme nt L4+ RWM (%) 2014 Gap (%) 2014 District Rank 2015 SEN attainm ent L4+ RWM (%) 2015 Gap (%) 2015 Area / District Rank Kent42.347.3N/A37.651.7N/A South41.848.3 2 nd (out of 4 areas) 39.948.4 1 st (out of 4 areas) Ashford35.354.411 th 30.956.011 th Dover42.149.78 th 43.147.73 rd Shepway49.339.71 st 46.341.51 st

34 Closing the Gender Gap – 2015 District 2014 Female attainme nt L4+ RWM (%) 2014 Male Attainme nt L4+ RWM (%) 2014 Gap (%) 2014 Rank 2015 Female attainment L4+ RWM (%) 2015 Male Attainme nt L4+ RWM (%) 2015 Gap (%) 2015 Area/ District Rank Kent82.275.66.7N/A82.878.04.7N/A South82.175.46.7 3 rd (out of 4 areas) 81.477.44.0 2 nd (out of 4 areas) Ashford81.772.29.511 th rd Dover84.278.26.05 th 83.978.65.38 th Shepway80.776.74.03 rd th =

35 Area and District Priorities Area Closing the gap for disadvantaged pupils (Pupil Premium) and those with additional needs (SEND) Achievement in Mathematics Achievement of more able children and proportions working above expectation Continue the work already started to improve outcomes in GPS Ashford Achievement in Reading Dover Closing the gender gap Shepway KS1 Achievement

36 Raising Achievement in Mathematics Teachers having secure subject knowledge and confidence Eradicate negative perception of mathematics, tackling staff or student messaging of “maths is hard” or “I can’t do maths” Regular drill of basic skills Frequent opportunities (daily ?) for problem solving – using and applying Open-ended investigations drawing on skills learnt over a significant time Find exactly what part of a process children are doing incorrectly and resolve this before the action is habitualised Develop high calibre subject leadership

37 Closing the Gap for Disadvantaged Children (Pupil Premium) Quality first teaching High expectations by all staff – ‘can do culture’ Interventions to fill gaps and accelerate progress Regular monitoring of impact interventions (each lesson) Use of data to inform planning Develop the middle/senior leadership role of pupil premium champion

38 Kent Direction Laid out in: Vision and Priorities for Improvement 2015 – 2018,- learning-and-skills-vision-and-priorities-for-improvement.pdf Aims: All pupils to attend a good school Raise standards in all Key Stages and meet ambitious targets Closing the achievement gap for disadvantaged pupils Emphasis on: Services for vulnerable groups School to school support including KAH, collaborations and system leadership Joined up approach to district based working

39 National Direction For governors there is greater Emphasis on: Governing bodies operating as ‘Executive Boards’ holding Headteacher to account Range of professional expertise being represented Governors’ strategic role including input into, and agreeing, the SEF and school improvement plan Monitoring visits to evaluate implementation and impact of school improvement plan Demonstration of challenge of the Headteacher and other leaders Impact of governance on standards How governing bodies assess and meet their own training needs Governors’ evaluation of their own performance and impact Ensuring safeguarding arrangements are not just compliant but highly effective Thank you

40 National Direction Education and Adoption bill raises the profile of the responsibility of the Regional Schools’ Commissioner 3/Considering_the_impact_of_the_Education_and_Adoption_Bill_provisions.pdf Coasting schools eligible for intervention ‘Schools that are coasting by doing ‘just enough’ to avoid falling below the expected standard in any one year, will be eligible for intervention if they consistently fail to make improvements over time (3 years). We consider that these schools are not supporting their pupils to make the progress they should.’ DfE September 2015 From 2016 a coasting school will be defined as in which: In 2014 and 2015 fewer than 85% of pupils achieved level 4 in reading, writing and mathematics and below the national median percentage of pupils make expected progress in reading, writing and mathematics, and in 2016 fewer than 85% of children achieve the new expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics. NB Floor standard will remain at 65% in 2016

41 National Direction Schools causing concern: Statutory Guidance for local authorities. January 2015 Concern Jan2015_FINAL_24Mar.pdf Statutory responsibility for LA if concerns are not being addressed promptly: ‘The Local Authority should issue a warning letter, copied to Ofsted, unless there is a particularly good reason not to’ Use statutory powers of intervention, if necessary School causing concern defined as one with: Low standards of performance of pupil (attainment and/or progress below floor or sudden drop, poor achievement of disadvantaged pupils or low performance when compared with similar schools) Leadership and management (including governance) prejudicing (or likely to prejudice) standards Concerns over safety and/or safeguarding Kent response is measured, balancing support with challenge: Joint review meeting with SIA and Head of School Improvement for schools at risk of category / RI, resulting in one of the following: –Letter summarising agreed actions –Pre-warning Notice –Warning Notice High level of IA support and school to school support Follow-up monitoring by S/IA

42 Ofsted Update Fiona Wainde Senior Improvement Adviser – South Kent Primary

43 Area Ofsted Outcomes 19 inspections in 2014/15 in the south –2 schools went from category to good (one in Dover, one in Shepway) –4 schools went from RI to good (two in Ashford and two in Dover) –1 school in Dover went from good to RI –1 school in Shepway was judged for the first time as RI –6 schools retained their good judgment (2 in Ashford, 3 in Dover and 1 in Shepway) –1 school in Dover was judged to be good for the first time –1 school in Dover moved from good to outstanding –2 schools went from RI to outstanding (one in Dover and one in Shepway) –1 school in Ashford retained its outstanding judgement Number of Category schools has decreased from 6 to 1 (4 converted, two moved to good) Number of RI Schools has decreased from 15 to 11 Number of good schools increased from 67 to 73 Number of outstanding schools increased from 12 to 15 % of good and outstanding schools –Ashford92.1% (from 82.5%)District rank 2 –Dover 94.9% (from 87.5%)District rank 1 –Shepway78.1% (from 69.7%)District rank 9

44 Section 5 Current Quality of teaching The behaviour and safety of pupils The achievement of pupils Quality of leadership and management Section 5 CIF Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Personal development, behaviour and welfare of students Outcomes for pupils Effectiveness of leadership and management

45 Section 5 Key judgements:  overall effectiveness  effectiveness of leadership and management  quality of teaching, learning and assessment  personal development, behaviour and welfare  outcomes for pupils 1 – 4 point scale as now

46 Judgements Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outcomes for pupils EYFS or 16-19 study programme (can be higher than OE grade) Leadership and management OE

47 Frequency of inspection From September, Ofsted will inspect good schools once every three years under a new short inspection model. -premise that the school or provider is still good -check that leaders have identified key areas of concern and that they have the capacity to address them. -Focus on leaders’ vision and ambition for all children and learners, how they set the culture and ensure that all learners – particularly the most disadvantaged – make strong progress from their different starting points. -New short HMI led inspections for good schools -7 out of 10 inspectors will be current practitioners leading good or outstanding institutions

48 Risk assessment Normally in 3rd school year after the most recent inspection. Ofsted analyses:  pupils’ academic achievement over time, taking account of both attainment and progress  pupils’ attendance  the outcomes of any inspections, such as survey inspections, carried out by Ofsted since the last routine inspection  the views of parents, including those shown by Parent View  qualifying complaints about the school referred to Ofsted by parents  any other significant concerns that are brought to Ofsted’s attention.

49 Exemption  Maintained primary and secondary schools and academies judged outstanding at their most recent section 5 inspection can only be inspected under section 8 of the Education Act 2005  Outstanding special schools (including maintained special schools, special free schools, alternative provision academies and non-maintained special schools with residential provision), pupil referral units and maintained nursery schools are not exempt  HMCI has the power to inspect any exempt school at any time under section 8 if HMCI or the Secretary of State has concerns about performance

50 Exempt schools Exempt schools may be inspected where:  there are safeguarding concerns, including a decline in the standards of pupils’ behaviour  a subject or thematic survey inspection raises more general concerns  Ofsted has received a qualifying complaint about a school that, taken alongside other available evidence (specific powers under sections 11A-C of Education Act)  concerns are raised about standards of leadership or governance  concerns are identified about the breadth and balance of the curriculum

51 Exempt schools (continued) Risk assessment identifies concerns about decline in performance Section 8 inspection – if may no longer be outstanding can be converted to section 5

52 Trainees in the school Staff list must confirm if any NQTs or any trainees on placement including School Direct or School Direct (salaried) training routes. ‘Inspectors should not take trainees’ performance into account when assessing quality of teaching, learning and assessment across school’.

53 Monitoring of RI schools  Will be re-inspected under section 5 no later than the end of the term of 24 th month after last inspection report  HMI monitoring inspection 3 – 6 months after report published  May be judged RI at second inspection – inadequate if not good after that

54 Short inspections – section 8  led by HMI for all secondary and large primaries  notification period the same as section 5  Parent View used to gather views  will not result in individual grade judgement  will be converted to section 5 if inspector is unsure if still good or could be outstanding (within 48 hours)  once had a short inspection, further short inspections at approximately 3 yearly intervals


56 Reporting on the short inspection  report in a letter format  judgement that the school is still providing a good standard of education  Judgement that safeguarding arrangements are effective  any next steps the school should take

57 New inspection documents The new common inspection framework and handbooks for each of Ofsted’s remits come into effect from September 2015 for the inspection of schools, further education and skills and early years provision: A leaflet for maintained schools and academies The common inspection framework: education, skills and early years from September 2015The common inspection framework: education, skills and early years from September 2015 School inspection handbook from September 2015 School inspection handbook for inspections under Section 8 of the Education Act 2005 from September 2015School inspection handbook for inspections under Section 8 of the Education Act 2005 from September 2015 Further education and skills inspection handbook from September 2015 Early years inspection handbook from September 2015 Non-association independent school inspection handbook from September 2015Non-association independent school inspection handbook from September 2015 Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills from September 2015Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills from September 2015

58 Recognition of Exceptional Leaders Ofsted has also announced plans to recognise ‘exceptional leaders’. Ofsted will send a letter to a leader who has played a key role in turning around other institutions acknowledging their leadership as exceptional. A copy of this letter will go to the Secretary of State and Ofsted’s Annual Report will also feature those leaders who have been recognised in this way.

59 Emphasis of New Framework Capacity of leaders at all levels to bring about sustainable improvement Some thoughts: Leadership structure: roles, responsibilities and leadership time? Involvement of middle and senior leaders in monitoring, improving the quality of teaching, the SEF and improvement planning? Senior/middle leaders understanding and use of data – their impact in closing gaps How does performance of school relate to the SEF? How is implementation and impact of items on improvement plan monitored and evaluated? What happens to the results of performance management? Monitoring of the quality of teaching and its follow-up including CPD Leaders role in developing pride, ambition, and confident and resilient learners Leadership of the curriculum (rationale for design, involvement of stakeholders, use to raise aspirations, evaluation of its impact, what information is shared with parents, SMSC – British values…)

60 Emphasis of New Framework Safeguarding: Not just about compliance but about effectiveness Governing Body to: ‘Walk the floor’ an consider if you feel safeguarding has a visible profile in school Regularly monitor the single central register Experience relevant staff training and induction, and monitor their frequency Check colleagues understanding of the latest safeguarding updates, especially Prevent and response to allegations against staff (including the Headteacher) Monitor staff understanding of the whistle-blowing policy Consider a safeguarding audit Ensure policy reflects April 2015 changes (ask IA to look at it)

61 Preparation for inspection Good schools have only one day to show they are still good, underpinning the importance of: Brevity of written and verbal information - ‘Less is more’, ‘know the wood from the trees’…. Staff and students showing pride and ambition Demonstrating leadership capacity at all levels Articulating a clear understanding of what the data shows Summarising strengths and actions to address weaknesses confidently Having a concise, accurate and highly evaluative SEF Effective school improvement planning with targets, milestones and monitoring of impact Keeping the focus on the things that make the difference to the judgments First impressions

62 Thank you for your participation – any questions?

63 In the news … Tina Gimber Governor Support & Development Officer Autumn 2015

64 Leadership and Governance Support Edukent Service Level Agreement: pril_2015_Web.pdf Support for HT recruitment Initial Advice and Guidance via the Area School Governance Officer Leadership and Governance SLA: _add.pdf Package 1 Best value for money and the most popular package. Package 2 Pay as you go Other services, such as a Review of Governance, Projects - at an additional cost, refer to SLA Governor Training Brochure: Development-Programme-April-15-to-March-16.pdf

65 AOB Complaints - new guidance for 2015 found at: Schools: 7/School_Complaints_Toolkit_2014.pdf 7/School_Complaints_Toolkit_2014.pdf Academies: procedure/putting-in-place-a-complaints-procedure Review the school website: Publishing business interests the names of the governors, personal relationships, details of other establishments where a governor/trustee/member, declared interests must be published on the school website. This was expected by 1 September 2015 New model Code of Conduct August 2015 to include the above expectations (see NGA website/KELSI) 032/The_Constitution_of_Governing_Bodies_of_Maintained_Schools_Stat_Guid ance....pdf 032/The_Constitution_of_Governing_Bodies_of_Maintained_Schools_Stat_Guid ance....pdf

66 AOB Joint governor panels must be agreed in advance - model terms of reference on KELSI. New Monthly Governor update - have you received it? Clerking service is recruiting - over 90 clerks employed by KCC Clerking Service in over 200 schools. Clerk’s appraisal - has the Chair scheduled this? British Heart Foundation CPR training pack for secondary schools NGA website - a really useful tool, does your GB subscribe? Free School Governor Dashboard Webinar - FFT Governor Dashboard free webinar – extra sessions have been added to the autumn term - https://events- ent/shared/default_template/event_landing.html?sco-id=1390144598 https://events- ent/shared/default_template/event_landing.html?sco-id=1390144598 The end of Stakeholder Governance? - see consultation at

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