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The History Of Carr Creek 1600s through 1963. Shawnee’s role in the Carr Creek area They used this area as a hunting ground They formed alliances with.

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Presentation on theme: "The History Of Carr Creek 1600s through 1963. Shawnee’s role in the Carr Creek area They used this area as a hunting ground They formed alliances with."— Presentation transcript:

1 The History Of Carr Creek 1600s through 1963

2 Shawnee’s role in the Carr Creek area They used this area as a hunting ground They formed alliances with the Cherokee nation Daniel Boone’s daughter-Jemima-captured by 2 Cherokee and 3 Shawnee

3 Cherokee’s role in the Carr Creek area The Cherokee had several settlements in our area. The Shawnee used the Carr Creek area for hunting ground. Artifacts were excavated in the Irishman Creek area.

4 Carrand One of first settlers to our area. Lived in Sassafras area. Moved to Burgey’s Creek after fighting a duel. Traveled from here down the creek to an Indian settlement to hunt. The Indians saw this as an intrusion on their hunting grounds. They set their dogs on Carrand and killed him.

5 Origin of Carr Creek’s Name The creek Carrand was killed on later became known as Defeated Creek. Carrand was buried a small distance downstream from Defeated Creek at the fork of Carr Fork and Carr Creek. This is origin of Carr Creek’s name.

6 Civil War Period Small encounters were fought around Carr Creek. Anderson Hays-captain in Confederate Army. Capt. Hays captured by Union in Ohio. He later escaped-swam Ohio River. Returned to Knott County. Built water mill that ground corn. Died at age 89.

7 Carr Creek Community Center 1 st school Elementary school 1920. High school added 1924. First teacher(Ruth Weston) Paid $50 a month

8 Carr Creek Past Economy Coal Mining Lumber Industry Construction Work We honor all of our area’s miners, loggers and construction workers because for most of CC history our people have worked these jobs.

9 Carr Creek Basketball 1928-Wonder Five 1948-3 rd in state 1956-Ky. State Champions--(E.A. Couch-player) 1963-LIT Winner-- (Lewis Couch-player)

10 Carr Fork Lake Purpose: Flood Control Much of Carr Creek’s past now lies underwater Due to construction of Carr Fork Lake in 1960’s

11 Sources carr+creek+basketball&form=MSNH14&pq=ca rr+creek+basketball&sc=3-21&sp=- 1&qs=n&sk= carr+creek+basketball&form=MSNH14&pq=ca rr+creek+basketball&sc=3-21&sp=- 1&qs=n&sk idx?type=simple&c=kycolls&sort=hit+frequenc e+record&q1=carr+creek

12 Sources ry+of+Carr+Fork+Lake&FORM=HDRSC2&adlt= strict ry+of+Carr+Fork+Lake&FORM=HDRSC2&adlt= strict ects.cfm?Id=H202720

13 Sources Floyd County Times, 1954. This History of the Hays Family Francis, Arlena. Knott, My Beloved Miller, Don. The Carr Creek Legacy & The Overtime Kids

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