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 Co-chairs  Committee members  Team Development  Sponsorship  Publicity  Registration  Entertainment  Logistics  Luminaria  Survivorship  Online.

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Presentation on theme: " Co-chairs  Committee members  Team Development  Sponsorship  Publicity  Registration  Entertainment  Logistics  Luminaria  Survivorship  Online."— Presentation transcript:


2  Co-chairs  Committee members  Team Development  Sponsorship  Publicity  Registration  Entertainment  Logistics  Luminaria  Survivorship  Online  ACS staff

3 Celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer. Remember loved ones lost to the disease. Fight Back against a disease that takes too much. Switch to video

4  2011 funds raised  $324,808  87 teams  2012 goals  $328,900  95 teams

5  Conduct meetings  Make sure they know what the Relay For Life is and what the funds raised are used for (American Cancer Society uses the funds for education, advocacy, research, and services.)  Set goals and provide updates  Have a theme and plan campsite decorations, team shirts, etc. around the theme  Share responsibilities – keep members involved  Send encouraging email  Share newsletters  Check the website for updates

6  Education (early detection and prevention)  Advocacy (life-saving laws)  *Recruiting participants  Research ($120 million each year)  Services (1-800-ACS-2345)

7 “Once Upon A Relay”

8  Important dates  Team Captain meeting 3/22 Dupaco on Pennsylvania – more information to come  Commitment fee due 4/16 Determines campsites  Bank night 5/29 Here at Heartland Financial  Relay For Life event 6/1 – 6/2 Send save the dates to team members, family, friends, co-workers, survivors

9  Captains folder – new format  Large envelope used to turn in team funds  Form to calculate total funds in envelope  Luminaria envelope and forms  Team roster for your use  Sponsorship information  How your donations make a difference  Iowa cancer facts  Team Captain Handbook in the middle  Score-A-Site form  CPS-3  ABC’s of Fundraising  Goal chart  Individual team member packets  Conduct a meeting and get the envelopes in the team member hands with a deadline to turn in their funds BEFORE bank night which is May 29  Review the team member packet with them

10  Online information sheet  You Tube  Facebook  Team Member Guide  Team member envelopes  Nationwide fundraising club  Luminaria forms

11  Form included  Opportunities for all  Points for survivorship  Points for recruiting  Points for attending tonight

12  Honor to be selected site  Cancer Prevention Study-3  New research study  Better understand the genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that cause or prevent cancer  Ultimately eliminate cancer as a major health concern  Eligible  30 – 65 years old  Never diagnosed with cancer  Willing to make a long-term commitment

13  Information in packets  Information on website  Share your success stories

14  $10 your donation  $10 spouse  $20 2 co-workers  $20 2 friends  $20 2 relatives  $10 neighbor  $10 at your card club, church event, other organization activity

15  Announcing Gary Dolphin

16  Order forms included and more available  Separate envelope to turn in donations  Please do not put these in the team envelopes when turning in funds  Buy early

17  We are going green again this year  Online registration is required (details in your packets)  The limitation of only 15 team members has been lifted. You no longer need to setup multiple teams.

18  $150 due by April 16 th  Goes towards team’s total donations  Defers upfront costs such as t-shirts, packets, etc.  If not paid by 4/16, no guarantee for team member t-shirts, and last time slot for campsite

19  NO T-SHIRTS WILL BE AT THE RELAY  T-shirts will be available at bank night  May 29, 2012  Order form will be provided  Individual $100 donation to qualify (names on the team packet lists who qualifies)  Available before the Relay, but after the bank night at the ACS office (2774 University Ave) if commitment fee paid by 4/16  If still available, t-shirts can also be picked up after the event at the ACS office

20  Collect as much as possible before bank night and plan to bring it prepared that night  Envelopes provided  Convert cash to a bank draft or check if possible  Add checks  Organize and count cash  Make sure team member envelopes are completed in the front with totals  Funds can be turned into the ACS office and any funds raised after bank night can be brought to the event

21  May 29 th at a Heartland Financial doors open at 5:30 p.m.  Very important information provided about the event, campsites selected, etc.  Team representation is needed  Turn in funds and get t-shirts

22  Invite cancer survivors to our “celebration”  This is a family event so bring them along  Lots of food and entertainment  Get people involved in the specialty laps, challenges, games, and other activities

23  We walk rain or shine (just not tornados)  Tents only – NO stakes – bring sand bags  No smoking  No alcohol  No fires  No pets  Maps will be available to let your team know where you are  More logistic details at bank night  Entertainment throughout the event  Food, music, games, fun laps, contests, etc.  More details to come in newsletters and meetings

24  Team arrival will be tiered  Top sponsors – reserved sites  Committee members  Top dollars raised for family & business  Teams with paid commitment fees by 4/16 – drawing and assigned time slots  Not paid by 4/16 - come after 4:00 p.m.  Emphasis on paid commitment fee  Campsites will be marked off for size  Campsites will be assigned after bank night and announced on website

25  Designated parking and drop off zones  Campsites will be marked (approximately 20X20 or 2 parking spaces)  No tent stakes – be prepared for wind with sandbags or other means  Tents only – no campers  Overnight sleepers can put a tent in the grass area behind the marked sites  Working on seating for ceremonies but plan on bringing lawn chairs  Track = 1/3 mile long  Food may be available later from vendors

26  Sound – more speakers  More recycle bins  Restroom duties  Traffic and parking patrol  Possible move of survivor tent  Working on more bleachers but please bring your chairs  Not moving the stage due to best sound and location of power





31  Did everyone get their name in?


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