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 Raised in poverty and received a “fragmentary, but strangely useless and ornamental education”  True education came from reading other writers’ works.

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Presentation on theme: " Raised in poverty and received a “fragmentary, but strangely useless and ornamental education”  True education came from reading other writers’ works."— Presentation transcript:

1  Raised in poverty and received a “fragmentary, but strangely useless and ornamental education”  True education came from reading other writers’ works  Became deeply involved in Mexican politics and culture as a young adult  Stories are often set in the South and feature characters at pivotal moments in their lives (p. 844) KATHERINE ANNE PORTER

2  Granny, on her deathbed, is being visited by her daughter, her doctor and her priest  Granny reflects on her past as she slips in and out of consciousness  Granny recalls George(left her standing at the alter on their wedding day), John (became her husband but died when their children were young) and her children THE JILTING OF GRANNY WEATHERALL

3  A narrative technique that gives the impression of a mind at work, jumping from one observation, sensation, or reflection to the next  Usually expressed in a flow of words without conventional transitions STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS

4  An interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point the story has reached  Often used to recount events that happened before the story's primary sequence of events to fill in crucial backstory  Used to create suspense in a story, develop a character or structure the narration.  Example of flashback in Toy Storyflashback FLASHBACK

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