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Student Council 2012-2013 Director: Mrs. Marlar President: Avery Fezande Vice President: John Burnet Secretary: Emma Baker Historian/Parliamentarian: SuAnna.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Council 2012-2013 Director: Mrs. Marlar President: Avery Fezande Vice President: John Burnet Secretary: Emma Baker Historian/Parliamentarian: SuAnna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Council 2012-2013 Director: Mrs. Marlar President: Avery Fezande Vice President: John Burnet Secretary: Emma Baker Historian/Parliamentarian: SuAnna Wyatt Treasurer: Nick Kaderli

2 StuCo New Members!!! Joining StuCo is easy if you’re willing to put in some KHS community service. Informational meetings will be held in T-5 after school Wed 9/12, Thurs 9/13 at 2:45 and Thurs 9/13 at 7a.m. This meeting is MANDATORY if you want to join the organization. Work-on days will be after school: Tuesday 9/18 Wednesday 9-19 Thursday 9-20 *morning work-ons are by appointment only

3 What to Bring to Work On! Seniors- Diet coke or Diet Dr. Pepper Juniors/Freshmen- Regular Coke or Dr. Pepper Sophomores- Sprite or 7-Up All must bring Report card from Spring 2012 Must have overall 75 average and no P’s or U’s in conduct Meet in T-5!

4 StuCo Information Meetings start at 7:05 sharp. No late attendance taken. Check in for meetings begins at 6:50. There is an after school meeting for anyone w/ a teacher signed pass. This meeting is in T-5. Meetings are mandatory in order to make the points for each 6 weeks.

5 StuCo Basics Stuco headquarters is located in t-6 All A.M. meetings are held in the Auditorium All P.M. meetings are held in t-5 There is a Stuco information corner in t-6.

6 StuCo Points Point sheets change every 6 weeks. A member must make the minimum points. The first time a member does not make points is probation and the 2 nd time, the member is removed from the rolls and cannot claim stuco membership on resume or transcripts. Point sheets are available on the website or in t-6.

7 Stuco Dates to know… First meeting w/new members: Oct. 17 Dues of $5 are due by Friday, October 5 to t-5 before or after school only. T-shirt orders will be taken starting Oct. 1 thru Oct.12. T-shirts are $10. A member earns points by wearing the shirt to meetings.

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