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Адиабатический нагрев электронов в хвосте магнитосферы. Физика плазмы в солнечной системе» 6 - 10 февраля 2012 г., ИКИ РАН Зеленый Л.М., Артемьев А.В.,

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Presentation on theme: "Адиабатический нагрев электронов в хвосте магнитосферы. Физика плазмы в солнечной системе» 6 - 10 февраля 2012 г., ИКИ РАН Зеленый Л.М., Артемьев А.В.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Адиабатический нагрев электронов в хвосте магнитосферы. Физика плазмы в солнечной системе» 6 - 10 февраля 2012 г., ИКИ РАН Зеленый Л.М., Артемьев А.В., Петрукович А.А. ИКИ РАН

2 Model of electron heating in the course of Earthward convection and formation of electron temperature profiles Guiding center equation

3 Formation of electron temperature profiles z x Magnetic field lines z, B x TeTe 0 TeTe x Lyons 1984 Tverskoy 1972 For particles with distant mirror points The growth of the electron temperature corresponds to the growth of B z

4 Adiabatic model z x convection BzBz x The point of observation Tverskoy 1972, Zelenyi et al. 1990 Electron heating during the earthward convection due to the conservation of the first and second adiabatic invariants

5 Single electron dynamicsInvariants Electrons with mirror points far from the neutral plane Near equatorial mirroring electrons

6 Evolution of electron distribution function Velocity distribution in the point of observation (B z = B z0 ) “In situ” observed values Assumption Expressions obtained from  and J II conservation Velocity distribution in the neutral plane (B x ~0) Projection along field lines Point in the neutral plane x as a function of z along field line Velocity distribution in dependence on B x ~z coordinate X Z observation point tracing field line downstream tail Integration of obtained functiongives temperature profile x0x0

7 The vertical profiles of electron temperature and anisotropy Anisotropic heating: Projection of velocity distribution along field lines gives the profiles of electron temperature anisotropy: T eII /T e  ~ const B z /B n profile downstream the tail Electron anisotropy decays towards the Earth. Electron anisotropy is almost constant across the tail To Earth T eII /T e  T e /T emax IN THE EQUATORIAL PLANE

8 Observed profiles of temperature anisotropy Profiles of electron temperature: T e =(T eII +2T e  )/3 T e decreases toward the TCS boundary Profiles of electron anisotropy: T eII /T e  T eII /T e  is approximately constant

9 Comparison of model profiles T e (B x ) and observations Electron temperature Electron temperature as a function of the local magnetic field for four TCS crossings Spacecraft (Cluster 2) observations Model profiles T e (B x ) with h=-0.8

10 Electron energy distribution in TCS Difference of energy distribution for  =90 o and for  =0 o Anisotropy of temperature is produced by electron population with energy ~ 1keV. Cold core of distribution ( 3 keV) are isotropic: f(  =0 o )=f(  =90 o ) For TCS  e ~1

11 Statistics of observations Statistics for 70 TCS crossings Anisotropy of electron temperature is constant inside TCS Lyons 1984 Anisotropic heating: Tverskoy 1969, Zelenyi et al. 1991 Isotropisation of electron distribution due to scattering at small-scale magnetic field fluctuations Who is right? (SMALL ) ELECTRON ANISOTROPY DO !! EXISTS Simple model based on conservation of adiabatic invariants explains: 1.Temperature anisotropy do exist 2. Anisotropy profile across the tail~ const

12 The estimates of current sheet parameters from comparison of observations and model profiles T e (B x ) Input model parameters: B 0 – amplitude of TCS magnetic field B z – normal component of magnetic field B ext - magnetic field magnitude at the lobe L z – current sheet thickness L x – spatial scale along Earth-Sun direction direct observation ~B 0 /j curl from mutlispacecraft observations free model parameter Output model parameters: T e (B x ) profiles Comparison of model T e (B x ) profiles and observed T e (B x ) can give estimates of L x We vary the model input L x to approximate the observed profiles T e (B x ) We use the statistics of 62 TCS crossings from 2001, 2002 and 2004 years As a result, we obtain the statistics of L x

13 Distribution of L x estimates Distribution of L x /L z ratio The most TCSs have L x /L z ~25 The most TCSs have L x  [5, 20] R E. Distribution of L x

14 The ratio L x /L and pressure balance in TCS For 2D current sheet =1, and longitudinal pressure balance could be maintained only by the gradient along x ( Schindler 1972, Lembege and Pellat 1982 ). >1 For TCS >1 and part of pressure balance corresponds to the inertia of Speiser ion motion which create the off-diagonal terms of the pressure tensor. =2B z L x /B 0 L z z z x x 1D TCS with >1 and nongyrotropic pressure 2D isotropic current sheet with =1 Effect of ion nongyrotropy Electrons help us to prove that Speiser ions are main players in pressure balance in thin current sheets!

15 Conclusions: Adiabatic electrons can gain energy during the Earthward convection with the rate: The model of electron adiabatic heating during earthward convection can describe the observed profiles of T e (B x ) with the reasonable accuracy The comparison between model and observed profiles T e (B x ) allows to estimate the longitudinal spatial scale of current sheet L x ~(∂lnB z /∂x) -1 : Stretched magnetotail equilibria could be supported only by nongyrotropic ion distributions (T e <<T i ) and principal future task is the careful examination of ion pressure tensor For equatorial particlesFor particles with far mirror points 5 R E  25 ~5

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