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REVIEW QUESTIONS, P. 30 We the People, Lesson #3 What is republican government?

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Presentation on theme: "REVIEW QUESTIONS, P. 30 We the People, Lesson #3 What is republican government?"— Presentation transcript:

1 REVIEW QUESTIONS, P. 30 We the People, Lesson #3 What is republican government?

2 1. republican government advantages disadvantages serving the common good, laws made for entire community more efficient— representatives specialize in making laws (citizens do not) citizens control gov. by electing representatives who will promote the common good people have a say in gov (voting) people decide if reps are doing their job— re-elect or vote them out works best in small communities—the colonies covered a large area easier when people are a lot alike—the colonies were very diverse (many different kinds of people) people may divide into factions—one group working against another

3 2. common good: whatever is good for the community as a whole not always the best choice for individuals

4 3. Different types of democracy (democracy= people control gov.) Direct Democracy: people themselves make laws & all decisions in the gov. Representative Democracy: laws & decisions made by the representatives who are elected by the people

5 4. civic virtue virtue=goodness citizens & gov. leaders give up personal interests to serve the needs of the entire community promote common good, not special interests of a few

6 5. republican government promoted in the colonies civic virtue taught to children by parents, teachers, church leaders in community expected to be an example of civic virtue became part of customs & traditions of the colonists


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