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1 YANG PUB-SUB Proposed project to Beryllium release of ODL Aug 6 th 2015 Alexander Clemm Ambika Prasad Tripathy Einar Nilsen-Nygaard Eric Voit Suryamani.

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Presentation on theme: "1 YANG PUB-SUB Proposed project to Beryllium release of ODL Aug 6 th 2015 Alexander Clemm Ambika Prasad Tripathy Einar Nilsen-Nygaard Eric Voit Suryamani."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 YANG PUB-SUB Proposed project to Beryllium release of ODL Aug 6 th 2015 Alexander Clemm Ambika Prasad Tripathy Einar Nilsen-Nygaard Eric Voit Suryamani Kar Swaroop Shastri

2 2 Terminology A Subscriber makes requests for set(s) of YANG object data. The Subscriber is the owner of the Subscription. A Publisher is responsible for distributing subscribed YANG object data per the terms of a Subscription. In general, a Publisher is the owner of the YANG datastore that is subjected to the Subscription. A Subscription Request for one or more YANG subtrees made by the Subscriber of a Publisher. A Subscription MAY include constraints which dictates how often or under what conditions YANG subtree updates might be sent. A Subscription is a contract between a Subscription Service and a Subscriber that stipulates the data to be pushed and the associated terms.

3 3 Pub/Sub Service Subscriber Publisher Updates Subscription Request Periodic updates On-change Filters Negotiation Periodic publication interval Dampening period Filters supportable Proposed Project for OpenDaylight Netconf YANG PUB-SUB enabled devices Subscription

4 4 I2RS NETMOD NETCONF IETF 93 (Jul 2015) Rqts for Subscription to YANG Datastores draft-ietf-i2rs-pub-sub-requirements draft-clemm-netconf-yang-push Subscribing to datastore push updates draft-netmod-clemm-datastore-push Requirements for Peer Mount draft-voit-netmod-peer-mount-requirements IETF 91 (Nov 2014) WG Adoption IETF 92 (Mar 2015) WG Last Call WG unanimously agrees to adoption formal communication draft-ietf-netconf-yang-push Now

5 5 draft-clemm-netconf-yang-push-01 - Overview Provide push mechanism as alternative to polling, centered around datastore subscription service Subscription model Subscription services:,, Parameters to specify subscribed data, periodic or on-change, period, filters Subscription negotiation: Server not obliged to accept requests, can suggest alternative parameter settings Subscription management: status of subscriptions, notifications, etc Push mechanism / transport Netconf binding: notifications to carry datastore updates Leverage RFC 5277 Manageability Transformation from CRUD CRUDS (Subscribe)

6 6 Subscription Data Model module: ietf-datastore-push +--ro datastore-push-subscription +--ro stream? string +--ro subscription-id subscription-identifier +--ro (filter)? | +--:(subtree) | | +--ro subtree-filter | +--:(xpath) | +--ro xpath-filter yang:xpath1.0 +--ro encoding? encoding +--ro (notification-trigger) | +--:(periodic) | | +--ro period yang:timeticks | +--:(on-change) | +--ro dampening-period yang:timeticks | +--ro excluded-change* change-type | +--ro (change-policy)? | | +--:(delta-policy) | +--ro delta uint32 +--ro start-time? yang:date-and-time +--ro stop-time? yang:date-and-time

7 7 <netconf:rpc message-id="101“ xmlns:netconf="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <create-subscription subscription-id="500" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:notification:1.0"> push-update 10 <interface-properties xmlns=""> 0/0/CPU0 0/0/CPU0 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0

8 8 PoC Demo

9 9 Thanks

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