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What is the cause of the seasons on Earth? What is the difference between weather and climate? Is today’s climate normal for Earth? Is continental glaciation.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the cause of the seasons on Earth? What is the difference between weather and climate? Is today’s climate normal for Earth? Is continental glaciation."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the cause of the seasons on Earth? What is the difference between weather and climate? Is today’s climate normal for Earth? Is continental glaciation typical during the last 500 million years? How does oxygen-18 tell us about past climates? Is today’s sea level low or high compared to the last 500 million years? What is an isotope?

2 Are we in an ice age? What would Orlando be like without glaciation? What was the original atmosphere of the Earth composed of? Anything Special About 21% Oxygen? What was the Earth like during the Cretaceous? What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere? What is the current atmospheric composition (major gases)? Why do we get less sunlight at the poles? Why are there deserts?

3 What does the Peruvian anchovy harvest have to do with hurricanes? What is a rain shadow? What are Hadley cells? What is a summer monsoon? A winter monsoon? What isotope do we use to determine past temperatures? How does the isotope thermometer work? What sort of deposits preserve temperature records in isotopes?

4 What is an El Nino and why should you care? How much less solar energy does the Earth get when it is farthest from the Sun in its orbit? What are Gyres? How do gyres effect the west coast of the US and Europe? How do gyres effect hurricanes? What is a greenhouse gas? What are the three major greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere? The Earth’s atmosphere used to be mostly CO2, what happened to it?

5 What heats up/cools down more….land or water? Why? What are the factors controlling climate in any one location? What is an urban heat island? What are the differences between maritime and continental climates? What is an example of a trade-wind coastal climate? A moist subtropical climate? A marine west coast climate? What is a science? What are aerosols? What are the sources?

6 How is a scientific law different from a scientific theory? How are we able to determine the age of materials? About how much carbon is typically in the atmosphere? What is Occam’s razor? What is the basic assumption of science? What are the two basic requirements for scientific theory? What is a Sievert?

7 How does atmospheric pressure and temperature change with altitude? What is the troposphere? What is a brown cloud and what is its effect on the atmosphere? What is insolation? What is light? What is the difference between the photons emitted by your cell phone in the photons emitted by the sun?

8 Are brick walls opaque to all photons? What is longwave radiation? How is energy balanced between the equator and the pole? What is the solstice and equinox? How much daylight is there at the North Pole on December 22? What is sensible heat? What is latent heat? What is albedo? Explain the greenhouse effect. What is Perihelion, Aphelion? What is the effect of water on temperature range?

9 What are the factors that influence local temperature? What is an urban heat island? What are the two most important factors that affect the annual cycle of air temperature? How do continental temperatures differ from maritime temperatures? Where you find the greatest temperature ranges? What are the three states of water and how do you either gain or release energy moving from one state to another? How is humidity different at the equator versus the pole?

10 What is the adiabatic process? What is the adiabatic lapse rate? What is orthographic precipitation? Convective precipitation? What is the ITCZ? Were you find jet streams? Why isn’t Florida desert? What is the Coriolis effect? Which direction does it pull in the southern hemisphere? An anti-cyclone is what kind of pressure system? Is there anything special about the Gulf Stream?

11 What is global circulations role in heat transport? What is an air mass? How do you classify air masses? What is the front? What dominates the temperate climate? What dominates tropical climates? What climate features does this create? What dominates the wet equatorial climate? What climate the sinking air and adiabatic warming create? What are some of the characteristics of a moist subtropical climate?

12 What are the factors in tropical cyclone development? Where don’t you get tropical cyclone development and why?

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