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How To Podcast Mike McIntee Timescape Media

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Presentation on theme: "How To Podcast Mike McIntee Timescape Media"— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Podcast Mike McIntee Timescape Media

2 Types of Media Web Audio Audio Podcasting Web Video Video Podcasting User-generated content

3 Audio Podcasting Inexpensive—most tools are cheap or free Tools: Podpress, Garageband, Audacity Most people listen to a podcast on their computer—even if they own an iPod or other MP3 player

4 Who listens? Source: comScore, Inc., May 2007 63% are males

5 Who listens? Source: comScore, Inc., May 2007

6 Let’s Make A Podcast!

7 Putting it on the web Text descriptions (metadata) so search engines can find it A way to play it on your website RSS feeds—permit your audience to easily find your latest stories Submit it to podcast services (iTunes) to give your audience “subscription” access

8 Delivering a podcast

9 Integrating audio/video into your workflow Train everyone to use a camera and a microphone Make it part of the process, not a separate process It’s a culture change. Top management needs to make it a priority Solicit audience feedback to get staff buy-in

10 Sucess secrets Define success Be authentic, relevant and compelling Choose talent carefully, they represent your brand Humor and spoof are popular

11 User Generated Video Pro: It’s less expensive than producing it yourself Con: It’s not always on brand

12 Friend or Foe? Pro: A lot of people might see it You don’t have to pay for bandwidth You can post it on your site as well You Tube has an established community Con: You’re driving traffic to You Tube and getting nothing back from it You Tube owns the user info. You have no way of monitizing the video except with banner ads You have no control over the ads Google/You Tube might start placing in the video or the player Conclusion: You Tube is good for promotion, but not for profit

13 Your own user generated video solution

14 Slides available at m

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