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Plot and Setting. Define plot. is a series of related events, like links in a chain.

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Presentation on theme: "Plot and Setting. Define plot. is a series of related events, like links in a chain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plot and Setting

2 Define plot. is a series of related events, like links in a chain

3 Describe conflict. A struggle or dispute having opposing views or actions i.e. buying a soda and vending machine not providing the soda

4 Explain external conflict. Struggle that takes place between 2 characters (Batman vs. Joker), between a character and a group (teen vs. gang members), or between a character and something nonhuman (victim vs. racism, girl vs. soda machine).

5 Explain internal conflict. takes place within a character’s mind or heart (character vs. himself) i.e. A girl’s desire to buy soda to quench her thirst conflicts with her guilt of breaking her sugarless diet.

6 Ticket out the Door Name an example of an external conflict and internal conflict from a movie. In the movie/story titled, ___(italicize or underline title)_____, the external conflict is between ______ and _______ because __________ whereas the internal conflict is between _____ and _______ due to ______________.

7 What does a plot diagram consist of? A plot diagram consists of four major parts. 1. 2. 3. 4.

8 What is the basic situation/exposition? The opening of the story, when the characters and their conflict are introduced. i.e.-Box 1

9 Examine the complication(s). The main character takes some action to resolve the conflict but meets with more problems or complications, danger, and new threatening situation i.e. Box 2

10 How do you know when the climax occurs? Key scene in the story—tense, exciting or terrifying moment when our emotional involvement is greatest. Learn outcome of the conflict is going to be (i.e. turning point) i.e. Box 3

11 Describe the resolution. Occurs at the end of the story All struggles are over, and we know what is going to happen to the characters. i.e. Box 4

12 Plot and Setting: It’s all in the Timing

13 What is chronological order? The order in which events unfold in real time.

14 When does flashback occur? Writers interrupt the flow of events to present and episode from the past. Why is the comic strip below an example of flashback?

15 How can the reader use flash-forward? Instead of going back to the past, writers can jump ahead to the future by using flash-forward. i.e. a young girl is dreaming about her wedding day, flash-forward to the future and the character is walking down the aisle

16 How can the reader identify foreshadowing? Writer brings the future into the present by using foreshadowing Hint at what will happen next or later i.e. in a scary movie it becomes dark and music speeds up in tempo (foreshadows something “bad” is about to happen)

17 Setting

18 What is setting? It tells the readers where and when a story takes place. Guess the setting below:

19 Define mood/atmosphere It affects the way readers feel Guess what the mood is below: "I shivered as I walked through the dim hallway. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I hurried my pace to get away from the frowning portraits gazing down at me." Mood is filled with anxiety or frightening

20 Define tone An attitude toward a subject or character Guess the tone the writer uses below: I may not be getting an A in Ms. Tran’s English class right now, but I’m sure I will get an A by the end of the quarter. The tone is optimistic.


22 1. Think of a Disney story that has the framework of plot. 2. Class circle map of ideas approved by the teacher. 3. T.O.D.- Write down two stories you would like to do your project from the circle map. 4. Draw a plot diagram on an 8x11white sheet identifying: a. BASIC SITUATION b.4 COMPLICATIONS c. CLIMAX d. RESOLUTION. 1. See rubric Plot Diagram Project “Disney”

23 You are a researcher-Ask questions. Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

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