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Venus By: Shahrukh and Michael. Geological Features ► We find evidence for many of the same geological features found on Earth: canyons, volcanoes, lava.

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Presentation on theme: "Venus By: Shahrukh and Michael. Geological Features ► We find evidence for many of the same geological features found on Earth: canyons, volcanoes, lava."— Presentation transcript:

1 Venus By: Shahrukh and Michael

2 Geological Features ► We find evidence for many of the same geological features found on Earth: canyons, volcanoes, lava flows, rift valleys, mountains, craters, and plains. ► There is substantial evidence for local tectonic activity but the surface appears to be a single crustal plate, with little evidence for large-scale horizontal motion of crustal plates as found on the Earth. ► Much of the surface of Venus appears to be rather young compared to Earth. The global data set from radar imaging reveals a number of craters consistent with an average Venus surface age of 300 million to 500 million years. ► There are two "continents", which are large regions several kilometres above the average elevation. These are called Istar Terra and Aphrodite Terra.

3 Atmospheric features ► The pressure of Venus' atmosphere at the surface is 90 atmospheres(about the same as the pressure at a depth of 1 km in Earth’s oceans). ► It is composed mostly of carbon dioxide. ► There are several layers of clouds many kilometers thick composed of sulfuric acid. These clouds completely obscure our view of the surface. ► This dense atmosphere produces a run-away greenhouse effect that raises Venus' surface temperature by about 400 degrees to over 740 K. Venus' surface is actually hotter than Mercury despite being nearly twice as far from the Sun.

4 Chemical composition ► Venus's atmosphere is nearly 100 times as massive as Earth's, and its thick cloud layers block the surface from view. Its main composition is nearly all CO2: ► CO2: 96.5% ► N2: 3.5% ► SO2: 0.015% ► Ar: 0.007% ► H2O: 0.002% ► CO: 0.0017% ► He: 0.0012% ► Ne: 0.0007%

5 Age ► Like all the planets, Venus formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago when the Sun and the Solar System came out of the solar nebula. So, the age of Venus is 4.6 billion years old.

6 How it was formed ? ► Astronomers refer to Venus as Earth's sister planet. Both are similar in size, mass, density and volume. Both formed about the same time and condensed out of the same nebula. However they are still share lots of differences. It has no oceans and is surrounded by a heavy atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide with virtually no water vapour. Its clouds are composed of sulphuric acid droplets. At the surface, the atmospheric pressure is 92 times that of the Earth's at sea-level. ► Venus is scorched with a surface temperature of about 482° C (900° F). This high temperature is primarily due to a runaway greenhouse caused by the heavy atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Sunlight passes through the atmosphere to heat the surface of the planet. Heat is radiated out, but is trapped by the dense atmosphere and not allowed to escape into space. This makes Venus hotter than Mercury

7 Gravity ► Venus has 86% the volume of the Earth, and 82% the mass of the Earth. It has a very similar density as well. When you add all this up, the force of gravity pulling down on the surface of Venus is somewhat similar to Earth. ► If you could step out onto the surface of Venus in a spacesuit, you would experience a downward pull of 8.87 m/s2. ► This works out to just over 90% the force of gravity you would experience on Earth which is 9.8 m/s2. ► For example, if you stepped on a scale on Earth, and weighed 165 pounds. You would only weigh 148.5 pounds on Venus.

8 Mass ► 4.86e+24 kg

9 Size ► Venus: 12103.6 km ► Earth: Equatorial radius 6,378.14 KM

10 Distance from Sun ► 67.2 mil miles

11 Rotation ► Venus rotates very slowly (once every 243 earth days) in the direction opposite to most of the other planets ► This opposite rotation is called retrograde.

12 Revolutions ► Venus goes around the sun once every 225 days.

13 Moons ► None

14 Axis tilt (degrees) ► 177.36 (big tilt) ► Compared to Earths tilt: 23.45 degrees

15 Magnetic field ► Pioneer Venus Orbiter found the Venus magnetic field to me much weaker then earths ► Venuses atmosphere provides no protection from cosmic radiation ► Radiation results in cloud to cloud lightening discharge on planet surface

16 Average Temperature ► 482 degree Celsius ► Not the best temperature ► Extremely hot, because of volcanic activity on surface

17 Climate ► Venus has Harsh surface climate ► The surface of Venus is hot enough to melt lead. ► The surface pressure is almost 100 times Earth's atmospheric pressure. ► The thick clouds on Venus are sulfuric acid not water. ► Winds reaching to 220 mph

18 Space Probes used the exploration of the planet ► NASA had send Space probes to Venus in the past, but have been reported “dead on surface within 1 to 2 hours” ► Due to the harsh conditions the probes only last for 1-2 hours

19 Other interesting facts ► Venus sometimes referred to as Earth's twin evil sister, because the size, mass, and density match so closely, Venus is definitely Earth's evil twin sister. ► Japanese sent probe Akatsuki to see Venuses orbit and discovered there is volcanic activity on surface. ► Second Planet from the Sun

20 Multiple Choice 1. What is the approximate age of Venus ? ► a) 3.2 million years ► b) 4.6 million years ► c) 2.6 billion years ► d) 4.6 billion years

21 2. What is the main chemical composition of Venus ? ► a) Nitrogen ► b) Oxygen ► c) Carbon dioxide ► d) Sulphuric acid

22 ► 3. What is Venus’s temperature? ► a) 520 C ► b) 482 C ► c) 650C ► d) Temperature Varies

23 4. Compared to Earth, Venus has a volume of ? ► a) 86% ► b) 52% ► c) 90% ► d) Their Identical

24 5. If you were to step on to Venus’s surface with a space suit, what would be the approximate pull of gravity ? ► a) 8.01m/s2 ► b) 9.8 m/s2 ► c) 7.9 m/s2 ► d) 8.87 m/s2

25 6. Which planet has a stronger magnetic field protection from cosmic radiation? a) Earth b) Venus c) None d) Both

26 7.What was Venus considered compared to Earth? a) Earths loving twin sister b) Earths evil twin sister c) Best friend d) Twins

27 8. If a probe had landed on Venus, how long would the probe last on the surface? a) 1-2 hours b) 7 hours c) 1 month d) 2 years

28 ► 9. When Japanese sent probe: Akutsaki to Venuses orbit, what was discovered? a) Gold b) strong atmosphere c) Volcanic activity d) b and c

29 ► 10. Which planet is closest to the Sun ? a) Earth b) Venus c) Both in same orbit d) none

30 Short Answer ► 1. State three Similarities and three Differences between Venus and Earth ?

31 ► 2. What is the differences between axis tilt of Venus and Earth, and explain how it effects the planets rotation?

32 ► 3. What are the Geological features of Venus and Earth?

33 Answers ► 1. d 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.d 6.a 7.b 8.a 9.c 10.b ► 1. Similarities : Size, density and volume Diff: Temperature, denser atmosphere and 96 % carbon dioxide Diff: Temperature, denser atmosphere and 96 % carbon dioxide 2. Earth has a tilt of 23 degrees having 24 hour rotation Venus has a tilt of 177.36 having 243 day rotation Venus has a tilt of 177.36 having 243 day rotation 3. Earth and Venus both have 3. Earth and Venus both have canyons, volcanoes, lava flows, rift valleys, mountains, craters, and plains.

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