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Drug Jeopardy Miss Markowski. Question 1 Name the liquid depressant that is legal at age 21 and is addictive.

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Presentation on theme: "Drug Jeopardy Miss Markowski. Question 1 Name the liquid depressant that is legal at age 21 and is addictive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drug Jeopardy Miss Markowski

2 Question 1 Name the liquid depressant that is legal at age 21 and is addictive

3 Question 2 Any stimulant that is legal with a Rx, known as speed and used to treat AD/HD

4 Question 3 Rx drug to treat heroin and meth addicts

5 Question 4 Name 2 Rx drug pain relievers, common after surgeries and is very addictive

6 Question 5 Rx drugs that are known as “downers” or depressants. There are 2 correct answers

7 Question 6 Side effects include developing the secondary sex characteristics of the opposite gender. Oh yeah, muscle mass may develop too.

8 7 Derivatives of the poppy plants; pain relievers. NAME the I.V. Rx one AND the illegal one (Both are considered opiods)

9 8 Comes from the Cannabis sativa plant; THC is the active ingredient. Name BOTH Also, why is this drug considered addictive today when it wasn’t 20 years ago?

10 9 Stimulant that comes in powder form, used medically as a numbing agent, causes 50 times dopamine in the brain

11 10 Man-made hallucinogens; usually on tabs of blotter paper or in crystal powder form. NAME BOTH

12 11 Fungi, eaten cooked or smoked dried, hallucinogen

13 12 Both drugs known as the “Date Rape Drug” Give 2 reasons why they are used for this purpose

14 13 Club drugs: –Name the one is known as “love drug” or “e” –Name the one that is a cat sedative from the vet’s office –Name the “newer” one that is sometimes known as “plant food” that was just banned in July

15 14 Strongest of all illegal stimulants; causes addiction quickly because it releases about 200 times dopamine in the brain –Hint: we looked at their faces over time

16 15 Class of drugs that are Never intended for human use; common household products, poison

17 16 Legal addictive stimulant for EVERYONE!!!!!!!

18 17 Addictive stimulant found in cigarettes and “chew”

19 18 Reward center of the brain, controls pleasure and pain

20 19 Chemicals in the brain that drugs manipulate, causing the “high” Then, name the common “Good” feeling one that most drugs target in the brain

21 20 Organ that oxidizes alcohol How much alcohol can this organ oxidize per hour? (a range) If you know someone’s BAC, which more accurate equation can we to determine the time until alcohol is oxidized out of the body?

22 22 _____________ peak now! Why?

23 21 Part of your brain that is swollen (but that is NORMAL! And OK) By the way, around what age does the brain STOP growing?

24 23 What 2 things do you need to do if someone “passes out” from alcohol Why do we need to do this?

25 24 Name 2 main effects of hallucinogens

26 25 Name 2 effects of Stimulants

27 26 Name 2 effects of depressants

28 27 Name 2 effects of Club Drugs

29 28 Name 2 effects of Rx drugs (narcotics)

30 29 Name 2 effects of inhalants

31 32 Class of drugs that are man-made (synthetic) and have both hallucinogenic and stimulant like effects Give 2 examples

32 30 Define Addiction Define Tolerance

33 33 Class of Drugs that SLOW down breathing, heart rate, body temp and blood pressure

34 34 Class of Drugs that SPEED UP heart rate, breathing, body temp and blood pressure

35 35 Class of drugs that are made from poppy plants and are usually used as pain relievers

36 36 Why are drugs more addictive than natural rewards?

37 FINAL Jeopardy Why is alcohol/drugs are such a BAD CHOICE for teenagers (3 MAIN reasons) Hint: All about Brain Development 1. Limbic System Amygdala swollen, so drugs will feel even better for teens than adults Also, addictions are more likely NOW, 5-15 weeks of “use”! 2. Prefrontal Cortex still developing poor judgment & decision making 3. Brain is still growing in general Alcohol/drug use causes physical “stunting” of brain growth Memory loss certain

38 Final Final Jeopardy Discuss the 2 brain changes seen in regular users of drugs: –1. Drugs flood brain with neurotransmitters, leading homeostasis to produce less of our own neurotransmitters (this leads to tolerance) –2. Drug use causes neurotransmitter receptors to die because of the flooding of neurotransmitters by the drug (this leads to withdrawal and addiction)

39 THE REAL FINAL QUESTION How will you avoid alcohol and drug use? Or do you still see benefits of drugs and alcohol?

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