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Division of Risk Management State of Florida Loss Prevention Program.

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1 Division of Risk Management State of Florida Loss Prevention Program

2  You will be able to:  Identify potential eye hazards.  Prevent eye injuries with protective eyewear.  Use, maintain, and inspect proper protective eyewear.  Use appropriate first aid for emergencies.

3  Each day, more than 2,000 workers suffer eye injuries.  Annually, 62,000 eye injuries result in lost workdays.  Eye protection can reduce the number and severity of eye injuries in 90% of accidents.

4  Flying objects.  Harmful dust particles.  Chemical splashing or spraying.  High-intensity heat or light.  Welding, brazing, torch cutting.  Direct or reflected sunlight.

5  Hazard—flying objects cause lens damage. ▪ Fragments, chips, particles, sand, dirt.  Work processes. ▪ Chipping, grinding, masonry work.  Eye protection. ▪ Glasses with side protection, goggles, or face shield for severe exposure.

6  Hazard—walking into floating particles causes irritation, redness, and abrasion. ▪ Wood dust, foam dust, soot.  Work process. ▪ Woodworking, buffing, cleaning.  Eye protection. ▪ Goggles for tight seal around the eyes.

7  Hazard—splash, spray, or mist causes burning, pain, or blurriness. ▪ Acids, caustics, solvents.  Work process. ▪ Handling or processing a chemical.  Eye protection. ▪ Goggles. ▪ Face shield over goggles for severe exposure.

8  Hazard. ▪ Steam, hot liquid, hot air, or flame cause pain, eyelid burns, and blurred vision.  Work process. ▪ Furnace operations, pouring or casting molten metals. ▪ Any high-temperature operations.  Wear eye protection such as a screen or reflective face shield.

9  Hazard—Welder’s flash or flying sparks cause pain, extreme sensitivity, and burns.  Work process. ▪ Walking unprotected near welding operation.  Eye protection. ▪ Welder’s face shield. ▪ Sunglasses inadequate.

10  Hazard—direct or reflected sunlight. ▪ Retinal burn, blurred vision, pain.  Work process. ▪ Working outside on any job, working near water.  Eye protection. ▪ Sunglasses and hat.

11  Any questions about potential workplace hazards to the eyes?  Questions about eye protection for specific work processes?

12  90% of occupational eye injuries could have been avoided with proper protective eyewear.  Many injured workers believed protective eyewear was not necessary in their particular situation.  Follow company rules for eye protection.

13  Comply with ANSI Z87.1.  Eye protection equipment will be marked “Z87”.  Sunglasses or prescription glasses usually do not meet the standard.

14  Fit the protection equipment to the person.  Ensure high-quality equipment is used.  Ensure good fit and comfort.  Lens options.

15  Cleaning stations.  Holders or cases.  Issue new when necessary.

16  Inspect before each use.  Check for and replace cracked lenses.  Replace scratched lens.  Check for loose frames and nose pieces.  Fit test before each use.

17  Contact lenses may be worn with PPE if determined safe by a hazard evaluation.  Prescription safety glasses are available.  Overglasses or partial face shields serve as additional barriers.

18  Chemical splashes require immediate first aid.  10 feet or 10 seconds from a work process with hazardous chemicals.  Flush eyes for 15 minutes.

19  Any questions about the selection and use of eyewear?  Any questions about maintenance and inspection of eyewear?  Any questions about eye first aid?

20  Assess eye hazards.  Select appropriate protective eyewear.  Wear your eye protection.  Don’t become an eye injury statistic.

21 For more information on this subject, please contact: Division of Risk Management State of Florida Loss Prevention Program (850)413-4756

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