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Development of New GEO workplan 2009-2011 Earth Observation Capacity Building at CNES Aurélie SAND Strategy & Program Directorate.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of New GEO workplan 2009-2011 Earth Observation Capacity Building at CNES Aurélie SAND Strategy & Program Directorate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of New GEO workplan 2009-2011 Earth Observation Capacity Building at CNES Aurélie SAND Strategy & Program Directorate

2 aurelie.sand@cnes.frGEO CBC6, Hanovre, 13-14 February 2008 2 ■CNES is a R&D space agency. Its vocation is two folds:  It is the French national space agency in charge to propose and to implement the French national space programme  It is also at the same time the French national technical center in charge of space technologies development in order to give access to space to all communities of users which could need it, researchers as well as other groups dealing with application programmes. ■CNES is a member of the European Space Agency (ESA) Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, CNES : a “R&D Space agency”

3 aurelie.sand@cnes.frGEO CBC6, Hanovre, 13-14 February 2008 3 CNES commitment to GEO/GEOSS ■CNES works with other space agencies, through CEOS in particular, to set up the space component of the GEOSS 10-year implementation plan ■CNES is an active member of CEOS Education group (Gérard Bégni) ■WP 2007-2009, CNES participates to 11 tasks in Architecture, Biodiversity, Data management, Disasters, Health, Water ■WP 2007-2009 : NO participation on CB tasks

4 aurelie.sand@cnes.frGEO CBC6, Hanovre, 13-14 February 2008 4 Potential contributions to CB tasks ■CB 0701e: Open Source Software  ORFEO Tool Box ■CB 07 02 : Knowledge Sharing for Improved Disaster Management and Emergency Response  CNES expertise: international charter, Preview, software development,…, ■Contributions to the CB Portal/GEO Portal  Thematic Centre ■GEOSS data sharing principles  kalideos, an example of success story? 

5 aurelie.sand@cnes.frGEO CBC6, Hanovre, 13-14 February 2008 5 ■Generic tools (library) in order to facilitate the use of Remote Sensing data  Data processing functions  Orthorectification of images  Superposition Image/map or image/ geographic DB  Superposition of multi- scale images  Fusion of optical and radar data  3D Navigation...  Information extraction tools  d e tection and objects recognition  land cover classification  change detection ■Free dowload through the Pleiades web site:  ■Complementarity OTB/TERRALib FOSS : The ORFEO TOOL BOX

6 aurelie.sand@cnes.frGEO CBC6, Hanovre, 13-14 February 2008 6 ■GEO 2007-2009 workplan (  Di-06-07 : Multi hazard Zonation and Maps  Based on International Charter for Natural Disasters experience  DI-06-09 : Use of satellites for Risk Management  To contribute to the definition of a virtual constellation for Risk Management by developping a software to analyze the characteristics of a given constellation ■International Charter for Natural Disasters ■European integrated project PREVIEW (FP6) to provide new or enhanced information services for risk management in three thematic domains: atmospheric, geophysics and man-made  General services coordination: assets mapping, damage assessments, rapid mapping  Rapid mapping : the CNES RISK CHAIN  Data server for new image processings development  Space data web site with EO sensors characteristics for Risk Management stored in a data base (easy comparison and request) http:// Disaster Mgt & Emergency Response Expertise

7 aurelie.sand@cnes.frGEO CBC6, Hanovre, 13-14 February 2008 7 Thematic Centres: Concept & Objectives ■CNES, together with other French research organizations, have developped the concept of «thematic centers» based on the need to give an easy access to the different components of an Observing system: space component, in-situ networks & set of numerical models to be used to derive the pertinent information or parameters from the measurements. ■To Implement a link between primary archive centres and user communities  to design and improve algorithms for deriving geophysical parameters using mono- or multi-source data space (mono- or multi-sensors, in situ, airborne,...)  to process & archive elaborated geophysical products or indicators  to distribute data, products and softwares  to allow unique access to long time series  to offer user support services ■Open to international user communities

8 aurelie.sand@cnes.frGEO CBC6, Hanovre, 13-14 February 2008 8 French thematic centres ■physical oceanography : SSALTO, CORIOLIS, MERCATOR TOPEX-POSEIDON, JASON GEOSAT, GFO, ENVISAT ■atmospheric chemistry products & services: ETHER ENVISAT, TERRA, ADEOS, AURA, METOP ■land surfaces : POSTEL http:// AVHRR, MERIS, POLDER, ATSR, ASAR, MODIS, SeaWifs, MSG, VEGETATION ■aerosols, clouds, radiation and water : ICARE TERRA, AQUA, ADEOS, CALIPSO, CLOUDSAT, PARASOL GOES, HIMAWARI, INDSAT, METEOSAT, MSG GPM

9 aurelie.sand@cnes.frGEO CBC6, Hanovre, 13-14 February 2008 9 ■Aviso portal dedicated to altimetry, orbitography and precise location missions  complete overviews  of the processing techniques  the way they worktheir uses  access to data & products from various missions (multi-sensor merged products)

10 aurelie.sand@cnes.frGEO CBC6, Hanovre, 13-14 February 2008 10 Duration of cloudy periods (mean values derived from 1983-1999 Meteosat data From POLDER data Drop size in mm (up) Aerosol contain (bottom) Elabored geophysical products on aerosols, clouds, radiation & atmospheric water

11 aurelie.sand@cnes.frGEO CBC6, Hanovre, 13-14 February 2008 11 ■ to support and stimulate R&D in Remote Sensing by collecting over a small amount of geographic areas  As many images as possible (past, present and future…),  From different sensors (optial, radar, hyperspectral...),  with the best quality as possible,  Superimposable and Intercomparable (geometry & radiometry),  Documented, (different versions and processing information)  Including other data (maps, in-situ measurements,GPS,…, statistics,...)  Free access for scientist (Research and Education), excluding commercial developments  ADAM (Roumania), Assimilation of spatial Data into Agronomic Models  Reunion Island (IO), multi-thematic DB  Arcachon Basin, (AO), Integrated Coastal Zone Management To Provide with temporal series of multi-sensors data superimposable and intercalibrated KALIDEOS, the concept

12 aurelie.sand@cnes.frGEO CBC6, Hanovre, 13-14 February 2008 12 - Volcano monitoring and eruptive phenomena comprehension (IPGP : Earth physics research institute) - Sugar cane growth modelling and agricultural decision-making (CIRAD : agronomy research) - Coastal line & Landslides monitoring; Erosion impact assessment (BRGM : geological research office) - Coastal environment monitoring (IRD: environment/agriculture development) - Urban development spatial dynamics analysis (CIRAD/IRD) - Coral reefs cartography and monitoring (CREGUR/University La Réunion) Multi-Thematic research programs in Reunion Island Ortho-image used as Reference Image

13 aurelie.sand@cnes.frGEO CBC6, Hanovre, 13-14 February 2008 13 Kalideos : A « success story » ■Since 2000, more and more worldwide access demands, sites still active and enriched with new sensors data: Formosat, TerraSarX, CSK,…,according to scientists requests ■From thematic to methodology : intercalibration, atmospheric corrections, data mining & change detection including temporal evolution criterion, multi- resolution decomposition, …, ■Operational services developed :  sucrette dedicated to the sugar cane industry ■Decision from Reunion Island local gouvernment to fund a satellite reception station in 2006 (operational in 2009)

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