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The Truth About Drugs Our Drug Culture- Drugs have been a part of our culture since the middle of the last century due to the media making them popular.

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Presentation on theme: "The Truth About Drugs Our Drug Culture- Drugs have been a part of our culture since the middle of the last century due to the media making them popular."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Truth About Drugs Our Drug Culture- Drugs have been a part of our culture since the middle of the last century due to the media making them popular in the 1960’s. About 208 million people consume illegal drugs internationally. The most common used and abused drug is alcohol and the most common used drug illegally is marijuana. Why People Take Drugs- Drugs are taken for many different reasons, some being: to fit in, to escape or relax, to relieve boredom, to seem grown up, to rebel, or to experiment. How Drugs Work- The amount of the drug taken determines the intensity of the effects. Small amounts will stimulate, larger amounts sedate, and even larger amounts can kill. Drugs directly affect the mind and distort perception. They block off all senses and provide short term help, but long term damage. How Drugs Affect the Mind- Drugs blur the memory and slow down thought processes. The user will feel like a failure due to this and then in turn use more drugs to try and help this feeling go away, resulting in a vicious cycle.

2 The Truth About Drugs Drug Name: Ecstasy Classification: Street Names:
Methods of use: How does it affect the body? Short-term effects: Long-term effects: Statistics: How addictive is it?

3 The Truth About Drugs Drug Name: Ritalin Classification: Street Names:
Methods of use: How does it affect the body? Short-term effects: Long-term effects: Statistics: How addictive is it?

4 The Truth About Drugs Drug Name: Painkillers Classification:
Street Names: Methods of use: How does it affect the body? Short-term effects: Long-term effects: Statistics: How addictive is it?

5 The Truth About Drugs Drug Name: LSD Classification: Street Names:
Methods of use: How does it affect the body? Short-term effects: Long-term effects: Statistics: How addictive is it?

6 The Truth About Drugs Drug Name: Marijuana Classification:
Street Names: Methods of use: How does it affect the body? Short-term effects: Long-term effects: Statistics: How addictive is it?

7 The Truth About Drugs Drug Name: Cocaine Classification: Street Names:
Methods of use: How does it affect the body? Short-term effects: Long-term effects: Statistics: How addictive is it?

8 The Truth About Drugs Drug Name: Crack Classification: Street Names:
Methods of use: How does it affect the body? Short-term effects: Long-term effects: Statistics: How addictive is it?

9 The Truth About Drugs Drug Name: Crystal Meth Classification:
Street Names: Methods of use: How does it affect the body? Short-term effects: Long-term effects: Statistics: How addictive is it?

10 The Truth About Drugs Drug Name: Inhalants Classification:
Street Names: Methods of use: How does it affect the body? Short-term effects: Long-term effects: Statistics: How addictive is it?

11 The Truth About Drugs Drug Name: Alcohol Classification: Street Names:
Methods of use: How does it affect the body? Short-term effects: Long-term effects: Statistics: How addictive is it?

12 The Truth About Drugs Drug Name: Prescription Drugs Classification:
Street Names: Methods of use: How does it affect the body? Short-term effects: Long-term effects: Statistics: How addictive is it?

13 The Truth About Drugs Drug Name: Heroin Classification: Street Names:
Methods of use: How does it affect the body? Short-term effects: Long-term effects: Statistics: How addictive is it?

14 The Truth About Drugs Drug Name: Prescription Drugs Classification:
Street Names: Methods of use: How does it affect the body? Short-term effects: Long-term effects: Statistics: How addictive is it?

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