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EDT 512 Session 03. SESSION OVERVIEW Homework Grant Writing CBI & Learning Styles Flash Concepts Next session.

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Presentation on theme: "EDT 512 Session 03. SESSION OVERVIEW Homework Grant Writing CBI & Learning Styles Flash Concepts Next session."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDT 512 Session 03

2 SESSION OVERVIEW Homework Grant Writing CBI & Learning Styles Flash Concepts Next session

3 HOMEWORK Flash Homework –Begin thinking about rough ideas for final individual project –Content, learning objects, instructional design –Post bulleted list on Yola Read “Learning With Media” –Classic 1991 article –29 pages –Combines learning theory and multimedia Post reactions –General reactions –What is useful for designing computer-based instruction?

4 GRANT WRITING OVERVIEW Process Grantors RFPs Example of grantor

5 PROCESS Examine your setting and determine needs/problems Search online for potential funders –K-12 technology grants –Content area then request tech funds Identify strong match between yourself and grantor Obtain/read RFP Write RFP Submit to me for feedback

6 GRANTORS Often fund within their geographic area Often have specific vision for their grants Look at projects in past that were funded Keep your project within the scope of their aims

7 RFPs Follow their rules

8 EXAMPLE Know your setting Match to the grantor’s vision/aims Read their previously funded projects Look at their rules Follow them Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

9 CBI & LEARNING STYLES Match learning style to media Use media to support cognitive processing Design CBI with supports in mind –Opportunities/controls to replay video, animation –Ability to listen, read –Careful selection of images –Minimize distraction Consider learning tasks, outcomes

10 FLASH Finish drawing activity from last time Brief presentation on new concepts –Tutorials after drawing activity ndinternet/digitalanimation/

11 FLASH CONCEPTS Stage Timeline Types of frames Tweens Symbols

12 STAGE Area we drew on last week Main output area for audience

13 TIMELINE Contains all frames and layers of a Flash movie Playhead keeps going until you tell it to stop Typical frame rate is 31 fps Visualize the playhead ripping through the timeline of your Brainpop animations relative to the layers and stage

14 FRAMES Blank frames –Usually inserted to give you more room or time in the timeline Keyframes –Used for critical points in the timeline –Where things change –Like the bar in a song where the verse ends and the chorus starts –Designating keyframes is common Blank keyframes –Usually used as placeholdres Move, cut, copy, paste, remove frames

15 TWEENS Motion tween –Tell Flash where to start and where to end the animation –Used for moving objects/elements –Movement, color effects, easing –Motion editor panel see all properties Shape tween –Morphing from one shape to another –Only applied to shapes (vector drawing) –Break apart groups or symbols is option –Tweak it using shape hints Classic tween –Legacy from earlier Flash versions –Between two keyframes

16 SYMBOLS Symbol –Graphic, button, or movie clip –Stored in the library –Re-useable –Movie clips have their own timeline independent of the main timeline Steamboat Willie’s paddle wheel is turning on its own time, not due to the main timeline of the ship or the ripples in the water… Instance –Copy of a symbol –A symbol placed on the stage –An instance of a symbol from the library –Editing the symbol in the library effects all instances –Applying effects to an instance effects only the instance

17 FLASH ACTIVITY Finish drawing from last time –Including the desk Make several animations CarAnimation Background Animation Combine Car and Background

18 NEXT SESSION Flash Homework –Access ID template –Rough in some beginning thoughts about your final individual project –Post to Yola or web site –Everyone will get a chance to share briefly Read “eLearning” –Chapter 1 from a textbook –29 pages Post reactions –General reactions

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