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Physical Science Heat and Matter Review. Within a substance, A: all particles have the same energy B: all particles move at the same rate C: some particles.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Science Heat and Matter Review. Within a substance, A: all particles have the same energy B: all particles move at the same rate C: some particles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Science Heat and Matter Review

2 Within a substance, A: all particles have the same energy B: all particles move at the same rate C: some particles move faster than others D: the particles that make up the substance do not move

3 On Earth, most thermal energy comes from: A: the Sun B: objects moving against each other C: electric stoves D: atomic reactions in the earth’s core

4 A pan of water is on a hot stove burner. The hot burner transfers energy to the particles A: of water at the bottom of the pan B: of water in the middle of the pan C: of water at the top of the pan D: that make up the pan itself

5 As particles of matter gain more energy, the matter is: A: having a fall in temperature B: contracting C: expanding D: slowing down the motion of its particles

6 As temperature rises, the most expansion of particles occurs in: A: water B: solids C: liquids D: gases

7 To keep train tracks from twisting during temperature changes, between the tracks there are: A: spaces B: metal joints C: concrete joints D: brass joints

8 An example of conduction would be: A: clay used for walls B: Layered clothing C: birds feathers D: ironing clothes

9 The insulator that keeps a polar bear warm is: A: water B: air C: a polar fleece jacket D: global warming

10 Convection takes place from the movement of: A: liquids only B: solids only C: gases only D: liquids or gases

11 always Heat energy always flows from: A: cold  hot B: hot  cold

12 What is Heat? The flow of energy from warmer matter to cooler matter

13 What is Thermal Energy? The total energy of the particles that make up any matter

14 What is Temperature? A measure of the average motion of particles in a substance / object

15 Matter has: Mass: –The amount of particles that make up matter Volume: –The amount of space that matter takes up

16 Is heat matter? No, heat is not matter, it is energy!

17 Is there a transfer of matter when heat is transferred? No, there is a transfer of energy when heat is transferred!

18 True / False When you touch a glass of cold water, heat energy is transferring from your skin to the glass. True

19 True / False When you put an ice cube in water, heat energy is transferring from the water to the ice cube. True

20 Small pot of water and big pot of water are on a stove: Which will boil first and why? –The small pot will boil first because it has less matter. Less matter takes less energy to increase in temperature.

21 What is absolute zero? Absolute zero is –273 degrees Celsius, and is the temperature at which particles almost stop moving

22 Expands vs. Contracts Matter ________ when it is heated Matter ___________ when it is cooled EXPANDS CONTRACTS

23 Closer vs. Farther Particles get ____________ during expansion Particles get ____________ during contraction farther closer

24 Extreme Expansion! Why did my bike tire explode when I left it in my car last week? It got too hot, the air inside of it expanded until it burst!

25 Water: the exception to the expansion / contraction rule What happens to liquid water as it cools from room temperature to freezing? –The particles in the liquid contract until just before they freeze. Then they form rings as they freeze, and actually expand!

26 Conduction or Convection? Ice cube melts in your hand Conduction (direct transfer of heat) Liquid wax floats then sinks then floats again in a lava lamp Convection (transfer of heat by moving particles)

27 Radiation Give some examples of transfer of heat by radiation: The sun warms your hand with it’s UV rays

28 Great Job! Study hard for the test, any of these questions, and many others, could appear on it!!!!!!!

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