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Many stoves use methane gas (CH 4 ) as cooking fuel. When methane is burned, energy is released in the form of heat and light.

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Presentation on theme: "Many stoves use methane gas (CH 4 ) as cooking fuel. When methane is burned, energy is released in the form of heat and light."— Presentation transcript:

1 Many stoves use methane gas (CH 4 ) as cooking fuel. When methane is burned, energy is released in the form of heat and light.

2 You are going to see an animation of the methane-burning reaction. Watch closely; try to identify the reactants and products. CHH H H OO OO Energy

3 1. Identify the reactants in the methane-burning reaction. Use chemical formulas in your answer.

4 2. Identify the products of the methane-burning reaction. Use chemical formulas in your answer.

5 3. Use your answers from #1 and #2 to write the complete chemical equation for this reaction. ++ + ENERGY

6 4. Explain how the methane-burning reaction is similar to many of the reactions that occur in living things.

7 5. Explain why the methane-burning reaction (and all chemical reactions) involves an energy change.

8 6.While the burning of methane does not occur in our bodies, similar reactions do occur. Identify one of these reactions AND explain why we depend on it for survival.

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