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Presentation on theme: "PROJECTILE MOTION HORIZONTALLY LAUNCHED PROJECTILE."— Presentation transcript:


2 I. Purpose To measure the time of flight To measure the horizontal distance To calculate the initial velocity Vox using Range = Vox t ; X = Xo + Voxt To calculate and measure height of the table using Height= y-yo = ½ gt 2 To compare the calculated height and measured height using % error To graph the Vox VS horizontal distance RANGE. To graph the angle of the incline VS the Vox

3 II. Materials : Stop watch, ping pong ball,Meter stick or ruler, whiteboards or wood planks, masking tape or blue tape.

4 III. Procedures: 1. Mark the Xo on the floor. 2. Measure the height of the table in meters. Measured Height = y-yo = _______cm 3. Use one book. Measure the height of the ramp. 4. Measure the length of the ramp. 5. Calculate the angle of the incline using appropriate Inverse Sine function. 6. Allow the ball to roll from 0m to the floor. 7. Measure the time in seconds from the time the ball is released from the edge of the table until it hits the floor.

5 8. Mark with a piece of masking tape the landing point of the ball. This is the range. 9. Measure the range of the landing point from Xo – reference point. 10.Calculate the Vox in cm/s using Vox = Range / time 11.Calculate the calculated height using height = ½ gt 2 using g =980cm/s 2 12.Calculate the % error = / calculated height – measured height/ X100 -------------------------------------------------- /measured height/ 13. Repeat for 2 books- 4 books

6 IV. Background Information Discuss projectile motion in paragraph format ( definition, components, types of projectile motion, etc ). List the equations necessary for horizontally launched projectile and the trigonometric functions and % error equation

7 V. Diagram Draw the set up. Label the equipment and indicate the measured dimensions in the drawing.

8 VI. Data Table BOOKS HEIGHT OF THE RAMP,cm LENGTH OF THE RAMP, cm Angle = Sin -1 height/ length Time, sec Range = X-Xo, cm Vox,cm/ s Calculated Table Height,cm % error 1 book 2 books 3 books 4 books

9 VII. Calculations Show your calculations. Write the equations. Show your work.

10 VIII. Graphing Draw the following graphs : Plot and label the points with X and y coordinate. Connect the points. Derive the Mathematical Equation. a.Angle of the ramp, in degrees VS Vox, cm/s b.Vox, cm/s VS Range, cm

11 IX. Analysis In paragraph format : Discuss how the experiment is done. Discuss how time is measured, range determined and Vox calculated. List the probable sources of error Discuss what happened to the calculated Vox when the angle of the inclined plane was increased. Discuss What happened to the range when Vox increases.

12 X. Conclusion State the relationship of the horizontal velocity Vox with the range. State the relationship of the angle of the ramp with horizontal velocity Vox


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