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U NITED N ATIONS C ENTRE F OR T RADE F ACILITATION A ND E LECTRONIC B USINESS Under the auspices of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UN/CEFACT.

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1 U NITED N ATIONS C ENTRE F OR T RADE F ACILITATION A ND E LECTRONIC B USINESS Under the auspices of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UN/CEFACT Techniques and Methodologies Group (TMG) Klaus-Dieter Naujok, TMG Chair

2 UN/CEFACT Group’s Mandate (Summary) The purpose of the Techniques and Methodologies Group (TMG) is to provide all UN/CEFACT Groups with Meta (base) Business Process, Information and Communications Technology specifications, recommendations and education. The TMG shall also function as a research group evaluating new information and communication technologies (ICT), as well as techniques and methodologies that may assist UN/CEFACT and its groups to fulfill their mandate and vision in Trade Facilitation and e-Business.

3 Work Programme ProjectDefinitionStatus Projected Completion Date Project team leader N090 – BCF Introduction Overview of all documents that comprise the Business Collaboration Framework Final Draft ON HOLD due to IPR Policy Issue ???Paul Levine N091 - UMM Meta Model UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology – Meta Model (UML Profile) Stable (Version 12)2003-01-20Klaus-Dieter Naujok N092 - UMM Reference Guide UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology – Reference Guide describing the technical detail of the meta model. Targeted at software implementers and developers of UML tools 1 st Draft of Version 12 ON HOLD due to IPR Policy Issue ???Paul Levine N093 - UMM User Guide UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology –User Guide describing step by step how to develop Business Collaboration models using UMM. Targeted for Business Experts and Facilitators within TBG Completed (Version 12) 2003-09-22Paul Levine

4 Work Programme ProjectDefinitionStatus Projected Completion Date Project team leader N094 – BCSS Technical Specification The Business Collaboration Schema Specification (BCSS) represents the centralized semantics of the UN/CEFACT’s Modeling Methodology (UMM) Meta-Model in technology- and implementation-neutral computational syntax. New Project Proposal Approved by FCT 03/12/18 ON HOLD due to IPR Policy Issue ???Simon Seow N095 - BCM Implementation Guide Business Collaboration Model – Implementation Guide describing what aspects need to be taken into account when applying a specific technology at the implementation layer. To start after completion of N092 & N094 ???TBA N096 – BCM Integration Guide Business Collaboration Model – Integration Guide describing the requirements for storing not only Business Collaboration Models but also the libraries for reusable components such as Business Entities and Business Processes. To start after completion of N092 & N094 ???TBA

5 Work Programme ProjectDefinitionStatus Projected Completion Date Project team leader ebXML - BPSS V1.1 ebXML Business Process Specification Schema Technical Specification. This is a maintenance release fixing implementation issues found in the original ebXML release (May 2001), Completed2003-10-18Dave Welsh ebXML - BPSS V2.0 ebXML Business Process Specification Schema Technical Specification. This version will be aligned with the UMM meta model, especially regarding the BTV layer New Project Proposal Approved by FCT 03/12/18 ON HOLD due to IPR Policy Issue ???TBA ebXML - BPSS V3.0 ebXML Business Process Specification Schema Technical Specification. This version will be aligned with the UMM meta model, especially regarding the BRV layer To start after completion of BPSS V2.0 ???TBA

6 Work Programme ProjectDefinitionStatus Projected Completion Date Project team leader N092 Addition - UMM Profile of UML Artifacts A set of rules that enables the consistent specification and validation of UML artifacts through the notion of “well formed” UMM. The rules would be captured as a UMM profile of UML Artifacts. New Project Proposal Approved by FCT 04/03/11 ON HOLD due to IPR Policy Issue ???TBA CCTS V2.01Core Component Technical Specification – Part 8 of the ebXML Framework Completed2003-11-15Alan Stitzer CCTS V2.10Core Component Technical Specification – Part 8 of the ebXML Framework New Project Proposal Approved by FCT 03/12/18 ON HOLD due to IPR Policy Issue ???Alan Stitzer CC User GuidePrimer for the CCTS using examples to describing how to rediscover CC. Completed2004-05-14Fred van Blommestein

7 Work Programme ProjectDefinitionStatus Projected Completion Date Project team leader EBA V1.0e-Business Architecture Technical Specification Revised Project Proposal to align with the work programme and vision of UN/CEFACT Approved by FCT 03/12/18 ON HOLD due to IPR Policy Issue ???TBA EBG V1.0e-Business Glossary1st Draft2004-12Kenji Itoh UBAC V1.0 Joint Project with LG Unified Business Agreement and Contracts Technical Specification Started, Requirements phase to be completed 3rd Qtr 2004 2005Anders W. Tell

8 UN/CEFACT New Projects  N092 - Additions of UMM Profile of UML Artifacts  N094 - BCSS Technical Specification  ebXML BPSS V2.0 Technical Specification  CCTS - Part 8 of the ebXML Framework  EBA V1.0 - e-Business Architecture TS

9 UN/CEFACT Items for Plenary Approval  In order to have all specifications within the ebXML framework within ISO, We resolve to submit the Core Components Technical Specification Version 2.01 to ISO TC 154 for fast-tracking as a Draft Technical Specification  In order to have all specifications within the ebXML framework within ISO, We resolve to submit the ebXML Business Process Schema Specification Version 1.1 or any future approved version to ISO TC 154 for fast-tracking as a Draft Technical Specification.

10 UN/CEFACT Items for Plenary Noting The BCF is no more than a name for the packaging of a number of standing (approved) TMG work items related to the UMM set of deliverables. The BCF is not in itself a deliverable but a publicly friendly representative branding of a number of approved TMG deliverables and the result for UN/CEFACT users asking to correct the problem of an over used term "UMM". It is similar to the term UN/EDIFACT covering all EDIFACT specifications such as directories, syntax and design rules, or ebXML being the brand name for a number of different technical specifications, each deliverable having it’s own approval process.

11 UN/CEFACT Issues for Plenary action  IPR Policy  There is a urgent need to have a “written” IPR Policy for the use by all Groups to allow the reissue of calls for participation of 5 TMG projects currently on hold  Without a “written IPR Policy that can be reviewed by potential participants, TMG will not be able to continue work, such as all Business Process related projects, that depend on IP to be submitted  Previous Call for Participation pointed to the “Provisional” IPR Policy

12 UN/CEFACT TMG Activity Update not included in submitted Report  BPWG  Reviewed BCF Roadmap with general session to clarify what work items would be in what document with in the N09X set  Progressed work on N090 (BCF Introduction)  UBAC:  Joint meeting with LG for continued requirements and use case discussions  Conducted discussion seminars: Legal considerations and ebXML, Standard Business Document Header (SBDH)  CCWG  Finalize CC UG alignment with UMM User Guide

13 New TMG Membership Levels Proposal (modified taking comments from FCT into account)

14 UN/CEFACT Next meetings  24-28 May 2004, TMG Meeting  Waldorf Germany (CANCELED)  13-17 September, Forum Meeting  McLean, VA, USA  6-10 December, TMG Meeting  Detroit, MI, USA  March 2005, Forum  Asia  May/June 2005, TMG Meeting  Barcelona, Spain (???)


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