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SPEC Socket Programming Logan Daum Mentor: David Schuller CLASSE Physics REU August 13, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "SPEC Socket Programming Logan Daum Mentor: David Schuller CLASSE Physics REU August 13, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPEC Socket Programming Logan Daum Mentor: David Schuller CLASSE Physics REU August 13, 2010

2  Develop a GUI for controlling motors at D1  Combine the current SPEC command prompt with the video feed  Utilize SPEC sockets for communication 2 Goal

3  Used for GISAXS (Grazing-Incidence Small-Angle X-ray Scattering)  Samples typically organic materials 3 D1 CCD Detector X-Ray Source Microscope Sample Stage

4  Controls the microscope video feed and motors at F1  Used at D1 for the video feed only  Written in Java, based on a client-server model  Server – Interfaces with motors and the video  Client – GUI instances  Each control group in the GUI is installed as a plug-in  Motor controls communicates directly with motors at F1  At D1, SPEC is used to interface with motors 4 MacCHESS Crystal Centering

5  Buttons and dials to move motors  Click to move  Camera and light controls  Snapshots  Autocentering  Session parameters saved 5 Features

6  Data acquisition and XRD software package by Certified Scientific Software  Command line interface  C-like syntax  Macro support  Server mode  Interact with other software over a network through sockets  TCP sockets – ordered error-free data transfer  Packets follow a specific format defined by SPEC 6 SPEC Server

7  SPEC packet format  Header – holds packet parameters and defines the data type  Data – holds the command or values for SPEC  Socket communication was tested in C++, Python, and Java  C++  Struct class and native data types useful for writing the packet  Python  Easy access to C structs and types  Socket connections simple  Java  Data types different (chars = 2 bytes, no long int) and no struct class  Socket connections simple 7 SPEC Server Communication

8  Existing motor plug-in replaced with SPEC plug-in 8 Integrating SPEC with Crystal Centering GUI Clients Server Plug-in SPEC Dial Moved Create SPEC Packet Motor Moved Parses SPEC Packet Dial Updated

9  Select motors for each axis  Poll SPEC for motor names  Set motor name and scaling factor 9 New GUI Features  Preset zoom and focus settings  Both settings are usually coupled  3 possible preset values

10 10

11  Shutter Control Button  Toggle button to open and close the shutter  Track shutter state  Automatically controlled at D1  Camera Button  Sync CCD detector images with microscope video snapshots  Save to the same filename prefix 11 Future Work

12  Mentor: David Schuller  Detlef Smigies, Darren Dale Phil Sorenson  CLASSE REU program  NSF Grant 12 Acknowledgements

13  Bullet Point  List  Item  Python  Java  Bullet Point 13 Title

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