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Low Voltage Power Supplies I.Placement II.Size III.Power consumption IV.Cabling V.Regulators board blocs VI.Component selection VII.Schematics VIII.Firmware.

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Presentation on theme: "Low Voltage Power Supplies I.Placement II.Size III.Power consumption IV.Cabling V.Regulators board blocs VI.Component selection VII.Schematics VIII.Firmware."— Presentation transcript:

1 Low Voltage Power Supplies I.Placement II.Size III.Power consumption IV.Cabling V.Regulators board blocs VI.Component selection VII.Schematics VIII.Firmware IX.Prototype design X.Schedule February 2005 – Barcelona

2 I.Placement At pannels with less MAPMT. 27 VFE maximum per 2 power supplies. 14 VFE maximum per regulators board. Regulator board divided in two to reduce power consumption per regulator board, so 7 VFE maximum per regulators board. TOTAL of 16 Regulator Boards to be produced.

3 II. Size Power supplies Max: 476x670mm 2

4 III. Power consumption Consumption VFE : +1’65A = 1408 mA - 1’65A = 1280 mA +1’65D = 604 mA - 1’65D = 604 mA + 3’3A = 256 mA + 3’3D = 300 mA With a maximum of 1’5A per regulator the number of regulators per box are; -14 regulators +1’65A (7 per board) -14 regulators –1’65A (7 per board) -7 regulators +1’65D (3 per board) -7 regulators –1’65D (3 per board) -3 regulators +3’3A (1 per board) -3 regulators +3’3D (2 per board) An other regulator for FPGA and electronics consumption. Maximum voltage drop per regulator of 1’5V. Voltage of power supplies may be of +4’8V, +3’15V, -3’15V. In this conditions and with a current of 1’5A every regulator, the total power consumption is; -31’5W in +1’65 regulators -31’5W in –1’65 regulators -13’5W in +3’3 regulators -TOTAL 76’5W!!! Each box Monitoring of voltage, current, and board temperature using a ProASIC FPGA with ADC and inputs multiplexed.

5 IV. Cabling Using voltages of +4’8V, +3’15V, -3’15V distribution should be: Power supplies +3’15 V 4-5 ch -3’15 V 5 ch +4’8 V 1-2 ch REGULATORSREGULATORS to +1’65V to -1’65V to GND to +3’3V  200 A  50 A

6 V. Regulator Board Blocs Positive Regulators Negative Regulators OpAmp Amplification OpAmp CM change Current measurement throug FUSE Voltage measurement NTC Resistors Wheatstone Bridge MUXMUX Outer temperature sensors A/D FPGA Transceivers I2C LVDS Inhibit control OpAmp CM change Vref Vsub

7 VI. Component selection - APA 150 FPGA (TQ100) for its flexibility in design (flash), easy to solder (not BGA). Not as much radiation hard as Axcelerators. - AD9203 10bits ADC, 40Msamples/s, 5 level depth pipeline, radiation hard. - MAX4581 octal analog multiplexers, low resistance, radiation hard. - DS92LV010 bidirectional CMOS/LVDS transceiver, radiation hard. - BFT93, PNP high frecuency transistor, radiation hard. -100mOhms fast fuses being used as Shunt resistors for current monitoring. -TLV2462 dual package rail-to-rail opamps, radiation hard. -L4913, L7913, Low Drop Out 3A adjustable voltage regulators, radiation hard. -Normal crystal oscillator ( JCO14-3-B40.0MHz ). Radiation hardness?? (Alice tests of comercial oscillators, no problems with 100krad).

8 VII. Schematics I. Positive regulators -L4913 -Protection diode at output. -Local voltage monitoring. -Fuse used as shunt for current measurement. -Led indicator of inhibit state.

9 VII. Schematics II. Negative regulators -L7913 -Protection diode at output. -Local voltage monitoring. -Fuse used as shunt for current measurement (at output for a low CM). -Led indicator of inhibit state.

10 VII. Schematics III. Positive current sensing -Differential amplifier. -Gain 20. Over 100mOhms; 1V = 1A. -CM input from GND to 3’3V. -Output max= 2V for ADC.

11 VII. Schematics IV. Negative current sensing -Differential amplifier. -Gain 20. Over 100mOhms; 1V = 1A. -CM input from -1’65V to 1’65V. -Output max= 2V for ADC. -Output min= GND.

12 VII. Schematics V. MUX - 8 to 1 analog MUX. -If chip not enabled output in High Z mode. -Control via enable and ABC inputs. -ABC in paralel for all MUX. -ADC_IN in paralel for all MUX.

13 VII. Schematics VI. FPGA -Hardware RESET. -6 bit I2C selection. -Independent Clock.

14 VII. Schematics VII. FPGA power start-up delay -ACTEL notes recommend first power Input core and then output buffers. This is done with a delay in INHIBIT pin of regulators. -Delay dependent with RC constant. -Permits FPGA control of Inhibit.

15 VII. Schematics VIII. I2C hardware -Differential I2C with SDA direction control. -By default receiving data (I2C slave). - Double connector for bus calbing.

16 VIII. Firmware. FPGA Blocs. Combinational bloc 1 Clock division to ADC. MUX control. RAM blocs Samples Status registers Channel limits ADC samples Idle until I2C command. R/W registers. Combinational bloc 2 Check samples Combinational bloc 3 Inhibit update from Status registers Tripple voting Combinational bloc 4 I2C FSM.

17 IX. Prototype design -282x85mm2 -6 layer pcb, GND, +3’15, -3’15 planes. -1000uF input capacitors. -6 AWG12 cables (per input voltage) -> low losses in long cabling. -12 AWG20 cables for output power and Vref Vbias signals. -JST 3A (XA) and JST 20A(EV) connectors.

18 X. Schedule -Prototype tests start MARCH. -Firmware development MARCH-APRIL. -Tests with load and I2C master (emulation of Control Board) APRIL-MAY. -Final revision and start of production JUNE. -Test of production SEPTEMBER.

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