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Observations and modelling of ionized gas in Active Galactic Nuclei Anabela C. Gonçalves Paris Observatory (LUTH), Lisbon Astronomical Observatory (CAAUL)

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Presentation on theme: "Observations and modelling of ionized gas in Active Galactic Nuclei Anabela C. Gonçalves Paris Observatory (LUTH), Lisbon Astronomical Observatory (CAAUL)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Observations and modelling of ionized gas in Active Galactic Nuclei Anabela C. Gonçalves Paris Observatory (LUTH), Lisbon Astronomical Observatory (CAAUL) S. Collin, A.-M. Dumont, M. Mouchet (Paris Observatory, France), A. Rozanska, L. Chevallier (CAMK, Poland), R. Goosmann (Astronomical Institute, Czech Rep.) A new model for the Warm Absorber in NGC 3783

2 Outline Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) ■ Standard model ■ Optical ionized gas: Broad Line Region (BLR), Narrow Line Region (NLR) ■ X-ray ionized gas: Warm Absorber (WA) Future work and perspectives The Warm Absorber ■ General Properties ■ The Warm Absorber in NGC 3783 ■ The data and the models ■ Results obtained with the TITAN code (Gonçalves et al., A&AL, in press) ■ Conclusions

3 Standard and Unifying models Standard Model ■ Transformation of gravitational energy into radiation ■ Supermassive black hole ■ Accretion disk ■ Obscuring torus ■Ionized gas ■ Visible spectra: BLR, NLR ■ X-ray spectra: WA BLR NLR WA gas © Urry & Padovani

4 The Warm Absorber General WA properties ■ Warm (T ~ 10 5 -10 6 K) plasma surrounding the active nucleus ■ Photo-ionized by UV/X-rays produced near the black hole ■ WA seems to be located between the BLR and the NLR (same location as Coronal Lines) ■ Outflow of material at a few hundreds kms -1, often multiple velocity components ■ The mass outflow can be important (how much?)

5 Warm Absorber Observations ■The importance of higher spectral resolution Before Chandra and XMM-Newton (1999): ■Einstein observations of MR 2251-178 suggest a variable column density of material photo-ionized by the active nucleus (Halpern 1984) ■Photo-ionization codes must follow improvement in data quality! ■ASCA observations show the presence of WA in ~ 50% nearby Type 1 AGN: detection of absorption edges, no details George et al. (1995) After 1999: ■Space observatories with grating spectrometers allow for line-resolved spectroscopy: physics of the WA gas Kaspi et al. (2002)

6 Warm Absorber in NGC 3783 NGC 3783 ■Seyfert 1.5 at z = 0.0097, V ~ 13.5 mag, also very bright in X-rays and UV ■One of the strongest X-ray warm absorbers known ■Spectra available in the X-rays and UV: variability studies, absorption lines ■High quality Chandra spectrum, 900 ks exposure (Kaspi et al. 2002) ■ Albeit extensively studied, usually modelled with multi-zones of constant density ■>100 absorption lines detected, wide range in ionization => stratification of the WA Kaspi et al. (2002)

7 Warm Absorber in NGC 3783 Previous data fitting and models ■Needed multiple regions at constant density to simulate the WA stratification Kaspi et al. (2000, 2001, 2002): ■ gaussian fit of the lines, spline interpolation of the continuum  = L/n H R 2 N H = 2.10 22 cm -2  = 4265 erg cm s -1 N H = 1.10 22  = 1071 N H = 8.10 21  = 68 Netzer et al. (2003): ■ 3 components at constant density: Netzer et al. (2003)

8 The TITAN code (Dumont et al. 2000, Collin et al. 2004) ■computes the transfer for ~1000 lines and the continuum (ALI method) ■ models media at constant density or gas/total pressure ■ computes the temperature, density and ionization structures ■ knowledge of the multi-angle flux, providing the outward (absorption, emission) and reflected spectra Warm Absorber in NGC 3783 Our approach: a single medium in Total Pressure equilibrium ■Results in the natural stratification of the WA ■Allows to explain the presence of lines from different ionization levels ■Can be modelled with TITAN

9 Warm Absorber in NGC 3783 The observations ■Data taken from the Chandra archives (900 ks, Kaspi et al. 2002) ■Multi-wavelength observations provide information on incident spectrum The Model ■Incident spectrum as in Kaspi et al. (2001): broken power-law continuum ■We have built an optimized grid of models to study NGC 3783 variable parameters:2000 <  < 3500 erg cm s -1 (ionization par) 3.10 22 < N H < 6.10 22 cm -2 (coldens) fixed parameters:n H = 10 5 cm -3 (density), v turb = 150 kms -1 ■ For all models, we have calculated the outward spectra in multiple directions, plus the ionization and temperature structures

10 Results with the TITAN code Temperature structures ■ The WA temperature stratification can be obtained through constant total pressure models Constant total pressure model Constant density model

11 Results with the TITAN code Ionization structures ■ The WA stratification can be obtained through constant pressure models, which are able to justify the presence of lines covering a wide range in ionization Constant density model Constant total pressure model

12 Results with the TITAN code Ionic column densities ■ Comparison between our single-zone model and Netzer et al.’s composite model gives similar results ■ TITAN code also provides information on the lower-ionization species responsible for the UV lines

13 Results with the TITAN code Outward spectra ■ Our optimized grid of models can account for the observations ■ A model with N H = 4.10 22 and  = 2500 reproduces well the continuum and available lines ■ Absorption features are blueshifted by ~ 800 kms -1 (outflow velocity) Si XIII Mg XII Si XIV Si XIII Si XIV S XV

14 General conclusions ■ The TITAN code is well adapted to the study of the WA in AGN ■ The WA in NGC 3783 can be modelled under total pressure equilibrium ■ Our best model has n H = 10 5 cm -3, N H = 4 10 22 cm -2,  = 2500 erg cm s -1 ■ Based on our best model results, on the object’s bolometric luminosity (L~2.10 44 erg s -1 ) and BH mass (M BH ~3.10 7 M  ), we estimate the WA size to be  R ~ 4 10 17 cm (0.13 pc) (to be compared to a 1.7x larger WA for a constant density model) ■ In order to keep M out /M Edd <~ 1 the WA is, at the furthest, at a distance R ~ 10 18 cm (0.32 pc, i.e. before the NLR) ●● Conclusions on the WA ■ To be compared to the published values of 0.18 < R < 3.2 pc (Netzer et al. 03) ■ R < 5.7 pc (from variability, Krongold et al. 05)

15 Future work on ionised regions ■ Model the WA observed in other type 1 and type 2 AGN (NGC 1068, NGC 5548) collaboration with O. Godet (Leicester U., UK) and the TITAN team (Observatoire de Paris, France, and CAMK, Poland) ■ Better constrain the physical properties of the WA gas (n e => R) through the multi-wavelength (IR, Optical) study of Coronal Lines collaboration with M. Ward (Durham U., UK) ■ UV and Optical studies of AGN winds collaboration with Nahum Arav (Colorado U., US) ■ The Study of Ultra-Luminous X-ray sources collaboration with R. Soria (Harvard Smithsonian, US) ■ Measure the BH masses and accretion rates in AGN, through BLR studies collaboration with S. Collin (Paris Observatory, France), B. Peterson (Penn State U., US), M. Vestergaard (Stewart Observatory, US), T. Kawaguchi (NAOJ, Japan)

16 Grid of constant P tot models ■ Parameters covered by the test grids: ionization parameter 1000 <  < 4000 incident continuum (a power-law) slope: 1.1 <  < 2.3 ionised medium column density: 10 22 < N H < 10 23 ■ These models can be applied to a variety of astronomical objects ■ They can be used to simulate observations (useful for next generation satellites) ■ Grid of models converted into FITS table models usable by XSPEC, and thus by a larger astrophysical community ■ They will integrate the models database (Portail Numérique de l’Obs. de Paris) ■ Computed with TITAN (abs, emi, ref) ■ Benchmark: 3 grids of 45 models each (to be extended soon: Titanic, IDRIS) ■ Resolution et Energy range compatible with XMM-Newton Perspectives

17 Observations and modelling of ionized gas in Active Galactic Nuclei S. Collin, A.-M. Dumont, M. Mouchet (Paris Observatory, France), A. Rozanska, L. Chevallier (CAMK, Poland), R. Goosmann (Astronomical Institute, Czech Rep.) Anabela C. Gonçalves Paris Observatory (LUTH), Lisbon Astronomical Observatory (CAAUL) N. Arav, (Colorado U., US), T. Contini (Midi-Pyrénées Observatory, France), O. Godet (Leicester U., UK), T. Kawaguchi (NAOJ, Japan), B. Peterson (Penn State U., US), R. Soria (Harvard Smithsonian, US), P. Véron, M.-P. Véron-Cetty (OHP, France), M. Vestergaard (Steward Observatory, US), M. Ward (Durham U., UK)...

18 Ionized regions in AGN ■ ionization mechanisms, through diagnostic diagrams ■ gas kinematics and geometry, through line-widths and line-profiles ■ abundances, temperature, and density, trough specific line-ratios NLR Warm Absorber (WA) ■ outflows (can influence growth of BH and host galaxy), trough X-ray and UV studies ■ density n H (not well constrained), from lines (coronal, He-like) and variability ■ distance R (not well constrained), from the density and ionization parameter  ■ ξ=L/n H R 2 from photo-ionization modelling, L from spectrum => only n H *R 2 is known! ■ thickness  R, from n H and N H ■ abundances, temperature T and ionization structures from photo-ionization models ■ Pressure P, from n H and T ■ Mass outflow rate M out, from n H and outflow velocity (blueshifted lines) ● ■ distances, through reverberation mapping, thus BH masses ■ gas kinematics and geometry, through line-widths and line-profiles BLR

19 Emission line regions The Narrow Line Region (NLR) ■ more extended region ■ larger distances (10 6 -10 8 Rg) ■ lower densities (n H ~ 10 3 -10 6 cm -3 ) ■ column density: 10 20 - 10 22 cm -2 ■ coverage factor < 0.01 ■ line widths ~ hundreds of kms -1 The Broad Line Region (BLR) ■ compact region (< 1 pc) ■ close to central engine (10 3 -10 4 Rg) ■ high densities (n H ~ 10 9 - 10 12 cm -3 ) ■ column density: 10 22 - 10 24 cm -2 ■ coverage factor > 0.1 ■ line widths ~ thousands of kms -1 ■ distances through reverberation mapping, thus BH masses ■ structure and kinematics through line-widths and line-profiles ■ abundances, temperature, density, through specific line-ratios ■ ionization mechanisms, through diagnostic diagrams

20 Emission line regions The Narrow Line Region (NLR) ■ more extended region 10 6 -10 8 Rg ■ larger distances (10 6 -10 8 Rg) ■ lower densities (N e ~ 10 3 -10 6 cm -3 ) ■ column density: 10 20 - 10 22 cm -2 ■ coverage factor < 0.01 ■ very small filling factor ■ line widths ~ hundreds kms -1 ■ conic structure The Broad Line Region (BLR) ■ compact region (< 1 pc) ■ close to central engine (10 3 -10 5 Rg) ■ high densities (N e ~ 10 9 - 10 12 cm -3 ) ■ column density: 10 22 - 10 24 cm -2 ■ coverage factor > 0.1 ■ line widths ~ thousands kms -1 ■ photoionized medium with ionization parameter  =L/nR 2  1

21 Emission-Line Galaxies Type 1 AGN Type 2 AGN BL Lacs Liners

22 Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies Main optical characteristics ■ Noticed by Osterbrock & Pogge (1985) ■ FWHM (H  ) < 2000 kms -1 ■ [O III] 5007/H  < 3 ■ Strong Fe II emission often present FeII/H  and small [OIII]/H  ■ Large FeII/H  and small [OIII]/H  Interesting X-ray properties ■ Rapid, high-amplitude variability ■ Steep X-ray spectra and high slope diversity ■ Soft X-ray excess (Pogge 2000) ■ ~ 15% of type 1 AGN up to z = 0.5

23 Creation of the X-rays Hotter and diluted medium emitting hard X-rays The existence of two media is required: ~10 9 K10 5 – 10 6 K Colder and denser medium emitting soft X-rays Irradiation, heating by direct Compton scattering Cooling by inverse Compton effects X-ray production in AG

24 AGN spectra and X-ray emission X-ray spectrum ■ Arises in the inner regions of the central engine ■ A hotter (10 9 K) diluted medium emits the hard X-rays ■ A colder (10 5 -10 6 K) denser medium emits the soft X-rays Hard X-ray band ■ Fe K  line, relativistic disk profile ■ Reflection component Soft X-ray band (~0.1-2 keV) ■ Soft excess ■ Strong absorption edges ■ Highly ionized absorption and/or emission lines ■ Absorption features blueshifted by several hundreds kms -1

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