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Welcome to Biology Class !!. I’ll be your teacher…. ….Miss Kat Eusebio.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Biology Class !!. I’ll be your teacher…. ….Miss Kat Eusebio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Biology Class !!

2 I’ll be your teacher…. ….Miss Kat Eusebio

3 Just a few things about me…. … I am the youngest of four…. We are many years apart.. 16 years is the biggest gap! But they stay hip! ( I think they try to keep up with me..ssshhhh)

4 …I have two nieces and two nephews..

5 The two oldest… Sammy & Tony (on the right) Are way taller than me!

6 ….I love to cook!! ….My first Turkey It was DELICIOUS!!!

7 My job Experience …..I did a lot of typing I served throughout college at…… Willowgrove..

8 My Education Graduated from Northeast High School… …..and I graduated with my Biology degree at PENNSTATE ABINGTON And Holy Family University helped me become your teacher!

9 Biology can teach you a lot of stuff…....A lot of stuff involving you and your environment!!

10 My classroom goals: To get to know each of you To develop a common law of respect in the classroom To create a great learning environment AND To have fun with what I teach so you can take advantage of what you learn!

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