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Using the TabletPC in Your Teaching Teaching With the TabletPC.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the TabletPC in Your Teaching Teaching With the TabletPC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the TabletPC in Your Teaching Teaching With the TabletPC

2 Think of the Tablet as a New and Exciting Extension You already have lots of content Much of that content is already in electronic format  Office Files  PDF files  Web sites Should be easy to get content not already in electronic format  Scanning  Photos

3 Presentation Tool This is a logical use Have been using computers as presentation tools for many years Added capabilities of  Wireless projection for teacher and student  The power of highlighting important points  Annotations to material  Students having same or different material

4 Grading Tool With either Office or Journal it is easy to grade papers using the ink feature Allows for you to retain a copy and return a copy of the document to the student  No more questions on what was graded how No more papers left at home or in the office

5 Management Tool Think about meetings and wireless projection Think about electronic agendas and note taking Think about templates and their many uses Using Windows Journal or OneNote will help keep you organized not only for classes but other duties


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