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Weaving the Threads of Culture Working Effectively with American Indians.

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Presentation on theme: "Weaving the Threads of Culture Working Effectively with American Indians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weaving the Threads of Culture Working Effectively with American Indians

2 Weaving the Threads of Culture  Part 1: Gathering the Threads  Part 2: Finding the Pattern  Part 3: Selecting the Colors  Part 4: The Unwoven Flaw

3 Part 1: Gathering the Threads An Introduction To American Indian Culture

4 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)  567 federally-recognized tribes located in 34 states  Lands administered: 45.6 million acres tribally-owned 10 million acres individually-owned 309,189 federally-owned held in trust

5 What is Culture  Shared history  Language  Values and Attitudes  Religion  Law and legal systems  Economic and political systems

6 Understanding Culture  Direct interaction  Open minded  Sense of humor  Communication skills  Flexibility and adaptability

7 Flexibility and Adaptability The ability to respond to or tolerate the ambiguity of new situations, keep options open, and minimize judgmental behavior or attitudes

8 Sources of Misunderstanding in Cross-Cultural  Lack of knowledge  Fear of unknown factors  Ethnocentrism  Unconscious assumptions  Stereotyping

9 Ethnocentrism  Assume that the elements of our own culture are natural, and acceptable to others  Ignore distinctions between our own culture and the other person’s culture

10 Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (Bennett 1986)  Experience of Differences  Development of Intercultural Sensitivity

11 Bennett’s Model Ethnocentric Stages Denial Defense Minimization

12 Bennett’s Model continued…. Ethnorelative Stages Acceptance Adaptation Integration

13 Key Points  Strive for adaptability and flexibility when working with a culture other than your own  The six components of a culture are: Shared History Language Values and Attitudes, Religion Law and Legal systems Economic and Political systems

14 Key Points continued…  Sources of misunderstanding in a cross-cultural communication  Lack of knowledge, fear of unknown factors, unconscious assumptions and stereotyping

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