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Diverse Traditions of Southeast Asia. All slides with the background are things you need to know for your review paper and test.

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Presentation on theme: "Diverse Traditions of Southeast Asia. All slides with the background are things you need to know for your review paper and test."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diverse Traditions of Southeast Asia

2 All slides with the background are things you need to know for your review paper and test.

3 Main idea Because of its location, Southeast Asia was affected by the cultured of both China and India!

4 Questions for ya India and China influenced the development of what area of Asia? – Southeast Asia

5 Geography of Southeast Asia 2 major regions – Mainland SEA Includes peninsulas Home to Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Malaysia – Island SEA 20,000 islands between Indian ocean and South China Sea Includes Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, and Philippines

6 Geography of Southeast Asia: Location Mainland separated by mountains and high plateaus Mountains separate 4 main river valleys of SEA – Irrawaddy – Chao Phraya – Mekong – Red Island SEA’s trade between China and India had to pass through Malacca or Sunda straits

7 Geography of Southeast Asia: Trade Routes in the Southern Seas Monsoons, or seasonal winds, shaped trading patterns in “southern seas” Ships go NE in summer and SW in winter While waiting for winds to shift, harbor in SEA ports- centers of trade and culture International trade network linked India, SEA, and China to East Africa and Middle East Spices were important- most went to East Asia, the Middle East, and East Africa

8 Geography of Southeast Asia: Early Traditions Bang Chiang in Thailand, found jars and bronze bracelets 5,000 yrs old other ethnic groups came to SEA – Followed own religions and cultures – Built around nuclear family not extended families of India and China Women had equality in SEA – Sold spices – Used bargaining, finance, and languages – MATRILINEAL descent-inheritance through the mother – Kept equality after Indian and Chinese influences arrived

9 Impact of India Merchants and Hindu priests came to SEA and spread their culture slowly Buddhist monks and scholars introduced Theravada beliefs Then came writing, law, government, are, architecture, and farming influences


11 Impact of India: Increasing Contacts Traders settled in port cities and gave rulers presents and married into good families Traded cottons, jewels, and perfume for timber, spices, and gold Indian families gained power Indian influence got up to 500 and 1000!

12 Impact of India: Islam Hinduism and Buddhism were the main religions By 1200’s, Islam got to the top, ruled north India Spread beliefs and civilization throughout islands

13 I figured you were bored by now so why not do some vocab right!?

14 VOCAB MATRILINEAL-descent-inheritance of land through the mother PADI-field, aka “rice padi” STUPAS- dome-shaped shrines for Buddhism

15 New Kingdoms and Empires Indian influences and local cultured made kingdoms and empires Some states were rivals to India

16 New Kingdoms and Empires: Pagan This kingdom rose in Irrawaddy valley, present day Myanmar In 1044, King Anawrata united the region – Brought Buddhism to the Burman people – Made STUPAS- dome-shaped shrines Was goin good for 200 years after Anawrata’s death – Fell in 1287 to Mongols – Finally threw off foreign rule and came back with pride

17 New Kingdoms and Empires: The Khmer Empire Shaped by Indian influences Peak was between 800 and 1350 Controlled Cambodia, Thailand, and Malaysia Adapted Indian writing, math, architecture, and art Rulers became pious Hindus – Saw themselves as god-kings Most people preferred Buddhism In 1100’s, King Suryavarman II built temple complex at Angkor Wat – Ruins survive today and are very impressive – Carved figured tell myths and glorify the king – Unique style

18 Questions for ya Who was the Khmer empire influenced by? – India

19 New Kingdoms and Empires: Srivijaya In Indonesia, 600s to 1200s Controlled Straight of Malacca – Vital to shipping Hinduism and Buddhism Blended Indian beliefs Spread to Sumatra, Java, and other islands Local rulers adopted new religion – Strengthened commercial links w/Muslim trading centers

20 Vietnam Emerges Greater Indian influence than Chinese Indian traditions spread through trading China sent military to conquer Annam (now northern Vietnam) Heart of north Vietnam was Red River delta Rice PADIS-fields Own culture – Women had positions and authority

21 Vietnam Emerges: Chinese Domination 111 BC, Han armies conquered region China had control for 1,000 years. Vietnamese absorbed – Confucian ideas – Civil service system – Built government bureaucracy – Learned to speak and read Chinese – Mahayana beliefs – Dioism shaped society

22 Questions for ya Who controlled Vietnam? – Han armies

23 Vietnam Emerges: Resistance Preserved strong sense of separate identity AD 39, 2 noble sisters, Trung Trac and Trung Nki, led uprising that drove Chinese from the land – Tried to restore simpler government based on Vietnamese traditions – Trung sisters are remembered as great martyrs and heroes AD 939,as Tang dynasty collapsed, Vietnam broke from China Turned back Chinese efforts to reconquer, but remained tributary states of China

24 Peopleees Trung Trac-(and Trung Nki) led uprising that drove Chinese from the land Trung Sisters- Trung Trac and Trung Nhi led uprising that drove China out of Vietnam in 39AD, today seen as great martyrs and heroes.


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