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The Crime Scene.  The location & surrounding areas where a crime has been committed.

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Presentation on theme: "The Crime Scene.  The location & surrounding areas where a crime has been committed."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Crime Scene

2  The location & surrounding areas where a crime has been committed

3  Any & all objects that:  establish a crime  link a crime to its victim  link a crime to its perpetrator  Must be recognized at scene & preserved!!


5  Get medical help for those who need it  Arrest suspect

6  Keep out all unauthorized people  Rope off, barricade, station guards

7  The unaltered scene  so don’t move a thing!!  Crime scene & adjacent areas  From all angles & overviews

8  Body position & location  Close-ups of evidence, injures, weapons  Place ruler by object for reference




12 A. Rough Sketch  shows evidence & important features  use tape measure  distances must be measured from 2 fixed points (walls)


14 B. Finished Sketch  very accurate & drawn to scale  drafting tools & computer programs used


16  Systematic & thorough  Establish points of entry & exit  Victim’s body is also searched at autopsy






22  Avoid contamination!!!  Keep in original condition  Bloodstains  scrape off surface  transfer to moist swab  cut out stain

23 1. Victim’s clothing 2. Fingernail scrapings 3. Hair 4. Blood (DNA) 5. Vaginal, anal, & oral swabs (sex crimes) 6. Recovered bullets from body 7. Hand swabs (gunshot residues)

24  Sample of known origin (control)  Compare it to crime scene evidence Ex: Paint from suspect’s car & paint found on victim

25 1. Latex gloves (doubled) & shoe covers 2. Masks / goggles / face shield / coveralls 3. Biohazard bags & labels 4. Contaminated equipment  disinfected with 10% bleach solution 5. No smoking, drinking, or eating

26  Detailed written description of crime scene & evidence  Provide time & person who found evidence  Document everything you see!!!

27  Label/Tag  officer’s initials  location it was found  time  Establish Chain of Custody

28  A.K.A. Continuity of Possession  A list of every person the evidence was passed on to  Transfer of evidence  Failure to establish this may lead to questioning of the authenticity and integrity of evidence.


30  Evidence must be packaged separately  The following items are useful:  forceps  manila envelopes  unbreakable containers/pill bottles with lids  screw-cap glass vials

31  Use airtight containers b/c they trap fumes

32  Do not use airtight containers  Place in paper bags to dry  Transfer to crime lab in BIOHAZARD bags



35  Send evidence to lab for analysis  Chain of Custody must be included  Keep it short!  Hand delivery is best

36 Protect Photograph Search Collect Record Identify Package Transport

37  Search and Seizure  Warrants  Mincey v. Arizona  Michigan v. Tyler

38  Drug dealer  undercover cop killed  4-day search at homicide scene  No warrant  Guilty verdict reversed

39  Business fire  search conducted morning after  3 other searches (4,7, & 25 days later)  No warrant  Guilty verdict reversed

40  Protects against unreasonable searches & seizures  Warrants must be obtained when time & circumstance permit it

41  It’s an emergency!  You’re being arrested!  You give your permission!  Evidence is in danger of destruction!

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