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Presentation on theme: "1 NMIMS-7(a)-SOCIAL MARKETING. MARKETING MEDICARE."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 Marketing Medicare. Hospital: It is a Not-For-Profit Making Social Institution to make available to the Society the required Medicare Services. Types of Hospitals: There are different types of Hospitals like: Teaching-Cum-Research, General/Special, Government, Semi- Government, Private, Allopath, Ayurveda, Homeopath, Unani, Disrict, Taluka, Village etc. Emerging Trends in Medicare: With the passage of time, we find significant developments in Medical Sciences. The recent developments have made possible Qualitative-cum-Quantitative improvements in the Medicare Services. Of course, the Private Hospitals are doing well but we find majority of the Government Hospitals in a depleted condition. Marketing of Medicare: This is a Managerial approach to improve the Quality of Medicare Services which attempts to satisfy the users vis-à-vis paves ways for the development of Hospitals. Justification for Marketing Medicare Services: Satisfying the users, Quality of Services, Inculcating Mass Awareness, Identification of Thrust Areas and Vulnerable Segments, Imparting Behavioral Knowledge, Cost Effectiveness in the Services, a Rational Fee Structure to protect the interests of all and Motivating the Personnel.

3 3 Thrust Areas for Medicare Services in India. Universal Immunization: Child Immunization against diseases like Pulse Polio etc. Multi Drugs Therapy is needed to Eliminate Leprosy. TB: Although BCH Vaccine has been developed, it is not so effective against Pulmonary Tuberculosis. The need is to develop more effective Vaccination against Tuberculosis. Cholera: The Vaccine developed gives only short term immunity and has many side effects. More effective long term Vaccine needs to be developed which will not have any side effects. Typhoid: An Oral Vaccine developed in Switzerland is available in the Market. Vector-Borne Disease like Malaria are back again killing half a million People in India every year. Speedy Diagnosis and Proper Treatment and Vaccine need to be developed. Aids: Treatment for Drug Addicts;

4 4 Service Mix for Medicare. 1) Line Services: Emergency Services. Out-Patient & In-Patient Services. Intensive Care. Operation Theatre. 2) Supportive Services: Central Sterile, Supply, Laboratory, Radiology, Nursing, Catering and Laundry. 3) Auxiliary Services: Registration, Record, Store, Issue, Transport, Mortuary, Dietary, Engineering, Security.

5 5 Promoting Medical Services. 1) Inculcating Mass Awareness and Instrumentality of Personal Promotion: Water, Sanitation and Food-Borne Diseases can be regulated substantially, if we succeed in creating Mass Awareness. In the context of Medicare Services, the Personal Promotion plays a dual role. This helps in making available to the users the quality Medical Aids and in addition also simplifies Promotion Processes. The Personal Promoters say, Doctors, Nurses, Other Frontline Personnel are directly involved in the Offering the Services. 2) Advertising and Publicity: Rural Prospects/Users and Urban Prospects/Users. 3) Service Promotion for Personnel: It is also an important dimension of Promotion which is found instrumental in the generation of efficiency, formation of a Team Spirit, Establishment of a Work Culture and more so a Personal Touch in Service.

6 6 Pricing Medicare Services& Distribution. Discriminatory Pricing/Fee: No Income Group: Medicare Services to be offered Free Of Charge. Low Income Group: Medicare Services to be offered at Subsided Rates. Middle Income Group: Medicare Services should be charged at a slightly higher rates than charged for Low Income Group, to make up the Losses on account of Low Income Group. High Income Group: Medicare Services to be Charged High enough to make up for the losses incurred while offering Medicare Services Free of Charge to No Income Group. Distribution of Medicare Services: Quality and Quantity of Medicare Services should be made available in Rural and Urban areas. More Hospitals and Highly Motivated and Qualified Medical and Para- Medical Personnel should be made available throughout our country.

7 7 Questions for Discussion. 1)“If the Doctors, Nurses, and other Supporting Staff in a Hospital are Soft, Sympathetic, and Decent to the Patients and also show a personal touch in their Services, Patients will recover faster”. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your Answer. According to you what is the percentage contribution of the above factors in accelerating the Recovery? 2) What should be the Thrust Areas for Medicare Services in India and Why? 3) What amendments in the Rules and Regulations would you recommend for Treating “Emergency Patients in a Government and Private Hospital? 4) “Hospitals are Social Institutions responsible for protecting the Social Interests, of course as a Not-for-Profit Making Organizations”. Do you see a “Profit Making Motive” in some Private Hospitals and how such moves can be kept under control/prevented? 5) What are your views on Late Dr. Mandke’s Vision of putting up a World Class Hospital Complex at Andheri to attract Patients from all over the World, especially from America (Where Medical Treatment is very costly). 6) In India, we need to give more emphasis on Yoga, Naturopathy and Ayurveda”. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your Answer. 7) What is your take on the efforts being made by Swami Ramdevji Maharaj and Pandiit Sri Sri Ravishankarji for spreading the Message of Yoga and the Art of Living respectively? 8) What can be done to improve the functioning of Large and Small Hospitals? How would you go about Motivating the Doctors, Nurses and Supporting Staff there to give their best to the Patients?


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