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WordSkills Lesson Twelve. 1. AGON : STRUGGLE 1. Agony: noun Agon (struggle) y (related to) 2. Antagonist: noun Anti (against) agon (struggle) ist (one.

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Presentation on theme: "WordSkills Lesson Twelve. 1. AGON : STRUGGLE 1. Agony: noun Agon (struggle) y (related to) 2. Antagonist: noun Anti (against) agon (struggle) ist (one."— Presentation transcript:

1 WordSkills Lesson Twelve

2 1. AGON : STRUGGLE 1. Agony: noun Agon (struggle) y (related to) 2. Antagonist: noun Anti (against) agon (struggle) ist (one who)

3 2. BAR0: WEIGHT, PRESSURE 1. Barometer (noun) Baro (pressure) meter (measure) Instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure 2. Baritone Baro (weight) tone (sound) Voice part between tenor and bass (a low voice, having “weight”

4 3. CEREB : BRAIN 1. Cerebrate (verb) Cereb (brain) ate (make, cause) To think 2. Cerebral (adj) Cereb (brain) al (related to) Requiring the use of intellect

5 4. CLAM : SHOUT, CRY OUT 1. Clamor (noun) Clam (shout) or (state of) A loud uproar, as from a crowd of people 2. Exclamatory (adj) Ex (out) clam (shout) ory (pertaining to) The use of exclamation – a forceful utterance

6 5. CLAR : CLEAR 1. Clarify (verb) Clar (clear) fy (make) To make clearer or easier to understand 2. Clairvoyant (adj) Clair (clear) voy (see) ant (one who) One who can see things that others cannot see (the future)

7 6. COSM : WORLD, UNIVERSE, ORDER 1. Cosmic (adj) Cosm (universe) ic (related to) Pertaining to space, the universe 2. Cosmopolitan (adj) Cosm (world) polit (city) an (pertaining to) Having “worldly” or international experience and sophistication

8 7. DOC: TEACH 1. DOCTOR (noun) Doct (teach) or (one who) 2. Docile (adj) Doc (teach) ile (capable of being)

9 8. ERR: Wander, Stray 1. Error (noun) Err (wander, stray) or (that which) 2. Erratic (adjective) Err (stray) ic (related to) Having no fixed course 3. Aberration (adjective) Ab (away, from) err (wander, stray) ation (act of) Abnormality

10 9. FOLI: LEAF 1. Foliage (noun) foli (leaf) ag (result, process) 2. Exfoliate (verb) Ex (out) foli (leaf) ate (make, cause) To peel in small flakes like bark or skin 3. Portfolio (noun) Port (carry) foli (leaf) Device for carrying “leaves of work, materials

11 10. GEST: CARRY, BEAR 1. Gestation (noun) gest (carry) ation (act of) Concept and development of an idea from birth to completion 2. Digest (verb) Di (through) gest (carry)

12 11. HOLO: WHOLE 1. Holistic (adj) Holo (whole) ic (related to) 2. Holocaust (noun) Holo (whole) caust (burn) Wholesale destruction; complete burning

13 12. IDIO: PECULIAR, PRIVATE (UNKNOWN), DISTINCT 1. Idiot (noun) Idio (private) Originally, a private citizen; one unaware of public events 2. Idiom (noun) Idio (peculiar) An expression that is peculiar to a language and cannot be translated 3. Idiosyncrasy (noun) Idio (peculiar) syn (together) krasis (mix) y (result of)

14 13. LEX: WORD, LAW 1. Lexicology (noun) lex (word) logy (study of) 2. Lexophobia (noun) lex (word) phobia (fear) Fear of reading

15 14. MAR: SEA 1. Mariner (noun) Mar (sea) er (one who) 2. Submarine (noun) Sub (under) mar (sea) ine (pertaining to)

16 15. OSTE (OSTEO): BONE 1. Osteoarthritis (noun) Osteo (bone) arthr (joint) itis (inflammation) 2. Osteoporosis (noun) Osteo (bone) por (pore, opening) osis (disease)

17 16. PETR: STONE, ROCK 1. Petroleum (noun) Petr (rock) oleum (oil) 2. Petrify (verb) Petr (rock, stone) ify (make)

18 17. PLE (PLEN, PLET): 1. Plenty Plen (full) y (result of) 2. Complement Com (together, with) ple (fill) ment (result) 3. Deplete De (down, from) plet (fill)

19 18. POPUL: PEOPLE 1. Popular (adjective) Popul (people) ar (pertaining to) 2. Depopulate (verb) De (down, from) popul (people) ate (make, cause)

20 19. PYRO: FIRE 1. Pyre: (noun) Pyr (fire) 2. Pyrogenic: Pyro (fire) gen (start, begin) ic (related to)

21 20. SCHIZ: SLIT, DIVIDE 1. Schism (noun) Schiz (split) Division of a church because of difference in doctrine 2. Schizophrenia Schiz (split) phrenia (mind) Mental Illness

22 21. SOL: ALONE 1. Desolate (adj) de (down, from) sol (alone) ate (characterized by) 2. Soliloquy sol (alone) loquy (talk)

23 SOL : SUN 1. Solar Sol (sun) ar (related to) 2. Solarium Sol (sun) arium (place where) 3. Parasol Para (near, beside) sol (sun)

24 22. TEN (TENU): THIN 1. Tenuous (adj) tenu (thin) ous (full of) Having little substance; weak 2. Attenuate (verb) at (very) tenu (thin) ate (make) To reduce or weaken 3. Extenuate (verb) Ex (out) tenu (thin) ate (make) To reduce in seriousness with excuses

25 23. TOM (TOMY): CUT 1. Anatomy (noun) Ana (apart, through) tomy (cut) 2. Dichotomy Dicho (two) tomy (cut)

26 24. VICT (VINC): CONQUER, SHOW, CONCLUSIVELY 1. Victor (noun) Vict (conquer) or (one who) 2. Convince (verb) Con (together, with) vinc (show conclusively) 3. Invincible (adj) In (not) vinc (conquer) ible (able)

27 25. VIR : MAN 1. VIRILITY (n) Vir (man) ity( state of): showing qualities of manliness Vir (man) ity( state of): showing qualities of manliness

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