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Powder Characteristics

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1 Powder Characteristics
Che5700 陶瓷粉末處理 Powder Characteristics At least include: chemical composition (major component & impurities), phase, particle size & distribution, surface area, density, porosity and pore size distribution, shape/ morphology, etc.,  will affect particle behavior, e.g. packing characteristics, rheology, surface characteristics, adsorption, particle strength etc.. terminology: powder, particle (primary, secondary), colloid, agglomerate (soft), aggregate (hard agglomerate), granule, crystallite; (slightly different meaning of each word) Either single particle or particle system Isotropic versus anisotropic property

2 In general: <1 μm – colloids; >44 μm – granule Granular: if gravity force important; colloid: gravity force insignificant Powder: surface force also important

3 Basic Definitions Hard agglomerate: primary chemical bonds formed by reaction or sintering Soft agglomerate: relatively weak bonds, such as electrostatic, magnetic, Van der Walls, capillary adhesion etc. Relative force between inertia force and surface force – granular system (gravitational force dominant); powder system; colloidal system (surface force dominant); surface force will be affected by environment including surfactnts;

4 Chemical Composition and Phases
Bulk chemical analysis: (a) wet method – e.g. gravimetric, titration, colorimetric; (b) instrumental method – spectroscopic (AA, ICP-AES, etc.); Major, minor, and trace components: different techniques, different easiness. Phase analysis: XRD, microscopy Surface analysis: focus on surface composition (ESCA, etc.) Thermochemical & thermophysical analysis:

5 Single particle and particle system

6 discussion: particle size (1st one largest), reflect on its bulk density (lowest)

7 From JS Reed,2nd ed. Note: CO2, SO3 indicating incomplete calcination  for (BaO+ SrO)/ (TiO2): 2nd & 3rd data >1.0 affect fired density & dielectric constant

8 PCE = pyrometric cone equivalent index
MBI: methyl blue index (adsorption quantity indicate surface area MOR= modulus of rupture

9 From JS Reed, 2nd ed.; every method has its limits and advantages


11  Diffuse Fourier transform infared spectrum (DFTIR)

12 Oxygen Content in Oxides
Che5700 陶瓷粉末處理 Oxygen Content in Oxides Taken from APL, 58(22), 2506, 1991 As a semiconductor, oxygen content in oxide will affect its behavior as n or p type material, may require measurement, e.g. ZnO, SnO2, In2O3, etc.  different processing  different oxygen vacancy Technique used here: EPMA, use 4Kev electron beam, sample: sputtered tin oxide film, film electrical resistance should <10-4 -m; use EDS to get data. Factors influencing results: film thickness, surface roughness, In will absorb emission from oxygen;

13 Conclusion: high oxygen pressure  high oxygen content in film  high carrier conc. (excess oxygen in film)

14 Che5700 陶瓷粉末處理 Phase Analysis XRD: only for crystalline materials, its quantity better >5%, otherwise difficult; qualitative: compare with standard pattern (e.g. from ASTM); better check for three major peaks Quantitative: (a) internal standard: add one material with clear peak (non-interfering), get calibration curve; (b) assume all crystalline materials, only two phases, x = Ia/(Ia + Ib) ED: electron diffraction, for very small region, often associated with TEM analysis

15  roughly, detection limit 5%, with better equipment may be down to 1%

16 From JS Reed,2nd ed.


18 High resolution TEM, for small region structure and morphology (from楊建民博士論文 (顏富士教授指導))

19 Electron diffraction can also provide phase information, in association with EDS energy dispersive spectroscopy to get information on composition (from 楊建民博士論文 (顏富士教授指導))

20 Taken from 微電子材料與製程, p.470 (common analysis used in microelectronics)

21 Basic Concepts of Analysis
To use optical instrument to deviate or focus energetic particles (visible light, electrons, ions, X-rays)  interaction with samples  to generate secondary particles (visible light, secondary electrons, backscattered electrons, Auger electrons, photo-electrons, backscattered ions, fluorescent light, etc)  detect its spectroscopy, mass, energy or image

22 EPMA Electron probe for microanalysis

23 Taken from 微電子材料與製程, p.484 (謝詠芬, 何快容)

24 Kα: from neighboring levels;
KLL: Auger electrons


26 Taken from 微電子材料與製程, p

27 Che5700 陶瓷粉末處理 Surface Analysis

28 Thermal Analysis Include:
Che5700 陶瓷粉末處理 Thermal Analysis Include:  TGA: thermogravimetric analysis: weight loss  DTG: differential TGA (differentiate previous curve)  DTA: differential thermal analysis: temperature difference  DSC: differential scanning calorimetry: heat change  TMA: thermo-mechanical analysis: expansion or contraction effect Can operate under different atmosphere, different heating rate

29 system: BaCO3 + TiO2; 830, 990oC :BaCO3 structural transition; 1190, 1257oC: BaCO3 decomposition reaction, & subsequent formation of Ba2TiO4 and then BaTiO3

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