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How to turn a large teaching hospital into a health promoting organisation in 12 months Wendy Peacock RN, RM, HV, BA, MBA, PG Dip. Senior Manager:Public.

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Presentation on theme: "How to turn a large teaching hospital into a health promoting organisation in 12 months Wendy Peacock RN, RM, HV, BA, MBA, PG Dip. Senior Manager:Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to turn a large teaching hospital into a health promoting organisation in 12 months Wendy Peacock RN, RM, HV, BA, MBA, PG Dip. Senior Manager:Public Health NHS Tayside, Scotland

2 Dundee Aberdeen EdinburghGlasgow Perth

3 137,538 108,560 141,870

4 Percentage of the population deprivation category 6 & 7 and council area in Tayside-2001 Census


6 HOSPITAL SERVICES 2 Large teaching hospitals Staff:7000 Annual inpatient and outpatient activity:74,970

7 HOW? Sell it Support it

8 SELL IT Senior Management Make it relevant/speak the same language: Demographics Evidence Provide support/money Audit current activity

9 SELL IT Audit Results Working in isolation Bigger picture not visible / not relevant Varied understanding of health promotion No management support/money Keen to develop health promotion role

10 SUPPORT IT Senior management ‘buy in’ Agree action: Agree corporate objectives Ensure health promotion is integral to service plans (7 clinical groups) Support project development Increase health promotion capacity of staff e.g. training Improve environment for staff and patients e.g. smoking policy

11 SUPPORT IT- Service Plan Objectives e.g: Develop and implement smoking referral protocol Increase exercise referral opportunities for secondary care Develop Paediatric hospital leaflet Health Promotion champions

12 SUPPORT IT Project Development Small Grants Award e.g. Posters promoting maternity services “ Have I washed my hands?” Sun Awareness seminar Infection Control ‘bookmarks’ for patients


14 SUPPORT IT-Training Sessions

15 SUPPORT IT-The Health Shop

16 WHAT’S NEXT? Continued support Develop objectives with non-clinical groups New health promotion posts Develop more champions Input into professional training Increased involvement in strategic planning Regular feedback Scottish Network of HPH/WHO agreement

17 SUMMARY Sell it/Senior management ‘buy in’ Speak the same language/make it relevant Be strategic Evidence-what difference will it make? Realistic/practical Support/money Champions Feedback-what difference has it made?

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