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#EFIconnect Sample Title Slide Sample subtitle. 2 Text here And here Text Slide.

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Presentation on theme: "#EFIconnect Sample Title Slide Sample subtitle. 2 Text here And here Text Slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 #EFIconnect Sample Title Slide Sample subtitle

2 2 Text here And here Text Slide

3 3 Color Palette EFI BLUE EFI MACHINE GREY EFI MONITOR GREY EFI Olive Green EFI RED EFI ORANGE EFI VIOLET EFI TURQUOISE EFI YELLOW GREEN Also Available EFI-WIDE SUPPORTING COLORS For data, tables and info-graphics, these colors may be used in addition to your business unit’s color spectrum. EFI-WIDE COLORS EFI BLUE – PMS 287 ISOcoated 100 83 1 7 GRACoL 100 87 27 5 Adobe RGB 0 50 131 EFI MACHINE GREY – PMS CG10 ISOcoated 56 46 41 33 GRACoL 58 49 44 26 Adobe RGB 100 100 104 EFI MONITOR GREY – PMS CG1 ISOcoated 16 12 14 1 GRACoL 15 12 13 0 Adobe RGB 217 215 213

4 4 Color Palette EFI PRINT TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS SPECTRUM EFI CRIMSON – PMS 7627 ISOcoated 19 90 78 28 GRACoL 21 95 88 14 Adobe RGB 147 47 44 EFI RED (FIERY RED) ISOcoated 0 90 74 0 GRACoL 0 89 67 0 Adobe RGB 212 53 64 EFI ORANGE ISOcoated 3 59 80 3 GRACoL 6 60 81 0 Adobe RGB 205 124 66 EFI YELLOW ORANGE ISOcoated 1 27 96 0 GRACoL 1 26 97 0 Adobe RGB 233 188 38 EFI PRINTERS & INKS PRODUCTS SPECTRUM EFI PURPLE – PMS 7670 ISOcoated 75 72 6 6 GRACoL 77 74 6 0 Adobe RGB 87 81 145 EFI VIOLET – PMS 7655 ISOcoated 38 72 6 5 GRACoL 39 74 8 0 Adobe RGB 147 90 145 EFI LIGHT BLUE – PMS 7682 ISOcoated 63 41 7 4 GRACoL 65 42 7 0 Adobe RGB 114 133 180 EFI TURQUOISE – PMS 325 ISOcoated 58 0 28 0 GRACoL 58 0 25 0 Adobe RGB 138 202 199 EFI SERVICES & SUPPORT SPECTRUM EFI FOREST – PMS 7734 ISOcoated 78 28 75 43 GRACoL 82 36 82 30 Adobe RGB 64 96 97 EFI OLIVE – PMS 7490 ISOcoated 54 12 80 19 GRACoL 60 22 86 5 Adobe RGB 126 150 79 EFI GREEN – PMS 374 ISOcoated 32 0 72 0 GRACoL 28 0 69 0 Adobe RGB 206 231 114 EFI YELLOW GREEN ISOcoated 12 0 85 0 GRACoL 10 0 84 0 Adobe RGB 236 229 76

5 5 Sample Chart

6 6 [Section Break]

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10 “Here is a sample quote slide. Type your quote inside of the marks. Make sure you are using smart quotes.” John Q. Talker VP of Quotations

11 11 EFI Logos

12 12 Icons

13 13 Icons

14 14 Icons

15 15 Icons

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