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Going to Prepare a Place John 13:36 – 14:3 Review It is the Passover which began Thursday evening –Jesus and His 12 apostles are gathered in an upper.

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2 Going to Prepare a Place John 13:36 – 14:3

3 Review It is the Passover which began Thursday evening –Jesus and His 12 apostles are gathered in an upper room where they ate the meal together –Jesus washed their feet to show that they should all be servants, not lords –Jesus announced He would be betrayed and identified Judas as the betrayer and he left –Jesus gave them a command to love one another as He had loved them While discussing the command, Jesus mentioned He was going where they could not come (John 13:33)

4 Peter’s response Jn 13:36-38 –Peter wants to know where Jesus was going Like the Jews, he didn’t understand –Jesus tells him not to worry, he couldn’t come now, but he could come later Of course, that hasn’t answered the question of “Where are You going?” –So Peter asks again, adding... »He wants to go with Jesus now »He would go anywhere, even to death –Jesus knows Peter has answered the question as to ‘where’ He was going So He answers the ‘why’ Peter couldn’t go now –Peter wasn’t ready – he would deny rather than die

5 Preparing a place John 14:1-4 –Jesus knows they still don’t understand and that they’re worried about being left behind He tells them not to worry –They believe God and His promises –They can equally believe Jesus, since He is God –Jesus is going to answer their question and make promises Those promises will be fulfilled as all God’s promises are true

6 Preparing a place As to ‘where’ He is going... –He is going to prepare a place for them “Place” means a “spot” (was used of a scabbard for a sword) –In His Father’s “house” (residence/abode) We commonly refer to it as heaven (but the Greek word for heaven could refer to several things) The word is the common one for a dwelling

7 A place in God’s home –Are many “mansions” We think “grand abodes” –This meaning for mansion developed in France in the 1500’s, but didn’t make it to England until sometime in the 1600’s »By then the word was already in the 1611 KJV »Translators have been loathe to change the word for fear people would think they were being ‘cheated’ But the word means “place to stay” –Nothing about large, stately homes –In fact, it would be contrary to the metaphor of being in God’s house Jesus is basically saying He is going to get their rooms ready in His Father’s home

8 A place in God’s home Is there really a better offer possible? –God is willing to open His home up for you If our permanent home is to be with God, then here is only temporary –Heb 11:8-10, 13-16 But will there really be enough room for all the saved? –Jesus says He promises there is, or He would have told them (Jn 14:2) –But still, thinking of the OT saved as well as Christians, that’s a lot of people...

9 A place in God’s home How much room? –Rev 21:16 –1,500 miles x 1,500 miles Approx. land area of Roman Empire –x 1,500 miles –Not literal, but plenty of room

10 A place in God’s home What will it be like? –Rev 21:1-5, 10-23, 22:1-5 A place of joy A place of beauty A place of light A place of worship A place for eternity Jesus said, “… I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” (Jn 14:2-3)

11 Conclusion Jesus promised He has prepared rooms for all of us in His Father’s house –A place like none that earth can offer He has promised to return and bring us to live in that house –Do you want to live there? –Then why not obey Him now?


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