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Where am I? Sketch a map of your route to school in your notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "Where am I? Sketch a map of your route to school in your notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where am I? Sketch a map of your route to school in your notebook.

2 Takes 3D features and places them on a 2D paper.
If you walk along a beach exactly where the water meets the land, the water surface marks an elevation we call sea level, or zero. Contour Line – A line on a topographic map that shows elevation above sea level. If you walk along a contour line you neither gain or lose elevation. 


4 Mapping Hand Land 1. Trace an outline of your hand on a piece of paper 2. Draw contour lines about ¼” from the outside line. Repeat until your lines fill the entire interior of the tracing. 3. Draw three dots on the back of your hand. 4. Draw the same dots on your hand drawing. 5. Write a prediction about where you think water will flow once it hits those dots in your WATERS notebook. 6. Use the water droppers to pour four to five drops on your hand. 7. Record your observations and results in your WATERS notebook.

5 Topo Shmopo Why would we use topographic maps?

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