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Friday, October 18, 2013 “What really matters is what happens in us, not to us.” John C. Maxwell.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday, October 18, 2013 “What really matters is what happens in us, not to us.” John C. Maxwell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday, October 18, 2013 “What really matters is what happens in us, not to us.” John C. Maxwell

2 VOCABULARY  Root Word of the Day  Fract or frag– break  Word of the Day  Here are a few words to see if you can figure out what they mean before you look them up. Break them down according to the root words you have already learned, then look them up and see if you’re close. You need the definition and part of speech:  Disruptgenocidestringentfrugivorous  Vivacictytorsionevictfragment

3  A group of words punctuated as if it was a sentence but does not demonstrate a complete thought. A fragment is only part of a sentence.  Many of my students make the mistake of writing a phrase as if it was a sentence.  See Writing and Grammar pages 341-342 “Avoiding Phrase Fragments” and page 343, “Avoiding Clause Fragments” to see what I mean.  As a group, complete exercise 29 on page 342 and exercise 30 on page 343  See me once the group is finished to check your answers

4  flat character – a character that the reader knows very little about– they are little more than props in the story  Static character – a character who does not evolve throughout the story  Round character – a character who is fully “fleshed out” we know plenty about him or her  Dynamic character – a character who grows or changes throughout the story

5  connect words or groups of words  FANBOYS – put a comma before each one  For  And  Nor  But  Or  Yet  So

6 EXTRA CREDIT PROMISED  To receive half credit for your missed answers on a quiz, you must do the following.  Show me, in your notebook, a page labeled “Quiz Corrections.” Below the heading, include the following: 1. The question you missed 2. The correct answer 3. The date of the notes where the answer was given to you in advance (you can find that be going to “Logan Logic 2014” on my webpage). 4. A sentence explaining how you chose the wrong answer and how you intend to prevent this error in the future.

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