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ArchaebacteriaEubacteria Unicellular Multicellular.

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3 ArchaebacteriaEubacteria Unicellular Multicellular


5 Binomial Nomenclature (Naming)-Carolus Linnaeus  Kingdom  Phylum  Class  Order  Family  Genus  Species  Scientific Name  Genus species The House Fly  Animalia  Arthropoda  Insecta  Diptera  Muscidae  Musca  domestica Musca domestica

6 CharacteristicEu- & Archae- bacteria ProtistaFungiPlantaeAnimalia Cell Type (eukaryote/ prokaryote) PEEEE Body Form (multi-/uni- cellular) UMMMM Method of Obtaining Food (Hetero-/Auto- troph) Both HAH Presence of Complex Organ Systems (Yes/No) NYYYY Characteristics of the 6 Kingdoms


8 Classification Quiz Organism / Taxon LionTigerBobcatCoyoteHuman Kingdom Animalia (1)Animalia Phylum Chordata (2) Class Mammalia(3)Mammalia Order Carnivora (4)CarnivoraPrimate Family (5)Felidae CanidaeHominidae Genus Felis LynxCanisHomo Species leotigrisrufuslatranssapiens

9 Organism / Taxon House Cat Red FoxDogWolfGopherFly Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Arthropoda Class Mammalia Insecta Order Carnivora RodentiaDiptera Family FelidaeCanidae GeomyidaeMuscidae Genus FelisVulpesCanis ThomomysMusca Species domesticusfulvafamiliarislupusbottaedomestica

10 Answer these questions 1) Which taxon includes the most specific characteristics? 2) Which taxon includes the broadest characteristics? 3) Which taxon includes more species... Order or family? 4) Which taxon includes only organisms that can interbreed successfully? 5) If two organisms belong to the same family, what other taxanomic groups do they share? 6) To which taxa do all 6 organisms belong? 7) Using the chart, what kind of animal is Vulpes velox? How do you know? 8) What is the complete classification of Vulpes velox? 9) From the table which two animals are most closely related? Explain. 10) At what classification level does the evolutionary relationship between gophers and house cats diverge? 11) How does the table indicate that a dog is more closely related to a red fox than a house cat? 12) Which organism is least related to fall the others?

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