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Impact statement Data Integrity Malcolm Holmes 6 May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact statement Data Integrity Malcolm Holmes 6 May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact statement Data Integrity Malcolm Holmes 6 May 2015

2 Background Data production Increasingly from computerised systems Still also have manual generation Problems Deliberate falsification / retest till passes / ignore OOS Omission of data through incompetence / naivety Non contemporaneous data Visibility Regulators have found may examples recently Particularly prevalent in countries outside EU / USA and their MRA partners

3 Why Failure to include as part of PQS Criminal activity naivety Cultural aspects Lack of knowledge of requirements

4 Potential Impact Threat to patient safety Current Regulatory inspection target Fines, Import bans, recalls De-listing / licence withdrawal Act now or face regulatory censure Company reputation

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