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Joint UNECE/ILO Meeting on Consumer Price Indices Some examples of Quality changes in the Korean CPI Jinho Hur, National Statistical office of Korea KNSO.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint UNECE/ILO Meeting on Consumer Price Indices Some examples of Quality changes in the Korean CPI Jinho Hur, National Statistical office of Korea KNSO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint UNECE/ILO Meeting on Consumer Price Indices Some examples of Quality changes in the Korean CPI Jinho Hur, National Statistical office of Korea KNSO

2 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office 2 KNSO May. 10 2008 Contents Example 1. Price in services : Salad price at Pizza Hut Example 2. Sales Prices Example 3. Long term rent price

3 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office 3 KNSO May. 10 2008 Example 1. Price in services Salad price at Pizza Hut 1) Situation Date2007.92007.10 price8,900 won6,500 won For 1~4 personsFor 1~2 persons Additional cost for one person 1,500 won2,000 won

4 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office 4 KNSO May. 10 2008 Example 1. Price in services : Salad price at Pizza Hut 2) Alternative solutions considered consideringprice 1)No change0% 2) Compared for 4 persons 8,900won->10,500won(+18%) 3) Compared for 3 persons 8,900won->8,500won(-4.5%) 3) Conclusion Solution 3 selected as the most representative

5 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office 5 KNSO May. 10 2008 Example 2. Sales Prices 1) Price collecting method of the manufactured goods Collecting date Once a month, usually between the 10th and 15th in the month Sales price Reflected without considering the length of the sales period

6 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office 6 KNSO May. 10 2008 Example 2. Sales Prices 2)-1 New rules At least 7 days of sales length is needed to reflect the sale price 2)-2 Examples IF) Normal price : 2,000 won, Sale price : 1,500 won Sale periodThe price we take At least seven days1,500 won Less than seven days2,000 won

7 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office 7 KNSO May. 10 2008 Example 3. Long term rent price Chunsei  Unique situation on the market for rented dwelling in Korea  Deposit made to the owner of the dwelling, the lessor, as a kind of security  It corresponds to approximately 2 years’ rent and is paid by the lessee the at the beginning of the renting period  After a period of two years, the chunsei money is paid back to the lessee. If the rental agreement is prolonged, the chunsei has to be paid again.

8 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office 8 KNSO May. 10 2008 Example 3. Long term rent price  The weight of chunsei in the CPI is 66.4/1000  The weights is calculated by converting the amount paid in chunsei from the 2005 Census into an imputed monthly rent, and dividing by total consumption expenditure

9 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office 9 KNSO May. 10 2008 Example 3. Long term rent price  Price collectors collect price data each month from all the chunsei sample household as if it were monthly rent  Example  If 20 household are surveyed and if one household’s chunsei money increased by 10% and the other 19 households have not changed,  Then, we calculate 10% divied by 20 households(simplified for calculation)  => 0.5%

10 KNSO Korea National Statistical Office 10 KNSO May. 10 2008 Example 3. Long term rent price  Raised critcism : CPI should report a 10% increase rather than 0.5% in this case. what is your opinion about this criticism?

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