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TRUEIT U.S. GOVERNMENT Friday, October 24, 2014. Learning Goal: Understand how political parties work. What we are doing: Review Chapter 19 Slides ~ Mass.

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Presentation on theme: "TRUEIT U.S. GOVERNMENT Friday, October 24, 2014. Learning Goal: Understand how political parties work. What we are doing: Review Chapter 19 Slides ~ Mass."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRUEIT U.S. GOVERNMENT Friday, October 24, 2014

2 Learning Goal: Understand how political parties work. What we are doing: Review Chapter 19 Slides ~ Mass Media  Section 1 How Media Impact Government  Section 2 Regulating Print & Broadcast Media  Section 3 Internet & Democracy  Local Angle - Where do you and your family get your news? List the local newspapers, web sites, TV stations, & radio stations that people in your group use.

3 Learning Goal: Understand how political parties work. What we are doing: Money in Politics  Should there be limits to using money in politics?  Should the American people know who is behind political advertisements?  What did the Supreme Court say?  What is a PAC or a Super PAC?  What does it cost to run for office?

4 Learning Goal: Understand how political parties work. What we are doing: Money in Politics  What do you know now?  What do you need to know to make a decision?

5 Learning Goal: Understand how political parties work. What did the Supreme Court Say? Citizens United  Money = Free Speech  Corporations are People = Free to use money for Free Speech  What do you think?

6 Learning Goal: Understand how political parties work. What is a PAC or Super PAC? 2/colbert-super-pac---trevor-potter bert-super-pac-shh----secret-second-501c4--- trevor-potter  What are the limits?  How do you know who is supporting them?  Are PACs good or bad?

7 Learning Goal: Understand how political parties work. Who spends the most on Political Advertising? 100 Million for Super PACS  dark-money-hits-100-million-with-help-from- single-candidate-groups/ dark-money-hits-100-million-with-help-from- single-candidate-groups/  9/meet-the-5-biggest-donors-to-the-obama- romney-campaigns/ 9/meet-the-5-biggest-donors-to-the-obama- romney-campaigns/  kochs-brothers-labor_n_4966883.html kochs-brothers-labor_n_4966883.html

8 Learning Goal: Understand how political parties work. Reflection:  Would you keep laws that way they are or make changes? Why? Make your choice and use three reasons to support your answer.

9 Learning Goal: Understand how political parties work. Homework: Study chapter 16, 17, 18 & 19 slide shows for quiz & unit test.

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