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Struggle & Containment. Post-WWII Relationships relationships between Soviet Union & other Allies worsen Cold War: an era of high tension & bitter rivalry.

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Presentation on theme: "Struggle & Containment. Post-WWII Relationships relationships between Soviet Union & other Allies worsen Cold War: an era of high tension & bitter rivalry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Struggle & Containment

2 Post-WWII Relationships relationships between Soviet Union & other Allies worsen Cold War: an era of high tension & bitter rivalry between the United States & the Soviet Union in the decades following WWII

3 Struggle Begins military rivalry -technology of weapons -number of weapons power struggle -influence in world -best government, economic policies -best societies for its people

4 Struggle Begins pro-Soviet Communist governments established in Eastern Europe nations -possible because of Soviet military influence in nations exception = Yugoslavia -no Soviet influence -Communist dictatorship

5 Struggle Begins communism spread out of Soviet Union -United States & Great Britain worried Stalin & Truman thought another war would start

6 “Iron Curtain”

7 Winston Churchill division of Communist countries in East Europe & non-Communist countries in Western Europe = “Iron Curtain”

8 The West Resists democracies in West wanted to contain Communism in the East early 1947  Greece & Turkey threatened by Soviet-backed Communists -West reacted

9 Truman Doctrine created in 1947 pledge to provide military & economic aid to countries threatened by communism US Congress sent millions of dollars to Greece & Turkey

10 The West Resists post-WWII economics in Europe = bad Truman feared if conditions worsened, Europeans might turn to communism mid-1947  US Congress launched program for economic aid to Europe

11 Marshall Plan plan for the economic reconstruction of Europe after WWII provided money for rebuilding & preserving political stability in Europe $13 billion provided to Europe under this policy

12 New Nations & Alliances United States, Canada, & Western European countries joined alliance -military alliance = NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) in 1949 Soviet Union & Communist countries in Eastern Europe joined alliance -military alliance = Warsaw Pact in 1955

13 Korean War Allies gained control of Korean peninsula when Japan surrendered in 1945 Korea temporarily divided in half -north = Soviet control; Communist -south = US control; non-Communist June 1950  north attacked south

14 Korean War goal in North Korea: unite under one Communist regime US asked UN to approve use of force to stop North Korea -UN assembled task force with soldiers from 17 countries (majority = American)

15 Korean War US General Douglas MacArthur led UN forces  invaded behind enemy lines North pushed almost to Chinese border, then were helped by Communist Chinese to push back south 1953  armistice; borders mostly where they were before war

16 On a sheet of paper… Using your terms sheet, read the definitions of the words containment, the Truman Doctrine, and Marshall Plan. Explain how the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan promote the policy of containment. Explain what parts of these plans support containment. BE SPECIFIC.

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