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IV. Europe split between identity fractions and a strong desire for unity Centripetal and Centrifugal forces working simultaneously 45-50 States in Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "IV. Europe split between identity fractions and a strong desire for unity Centripetal and Centrifugal forces working simultaneously 45-50 States in Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 IV. Europe split between identity fractions and a strong desire for unity Centripetal and Centrifugal forces working simultaneously 45-50 States in Europe (depending on definition) Europe = the most fragmented continent on earth

2 A.Nations assert recognition of their national sovereignty on a cultural basis Trend increased in last 20 yrs breaking up of empires and Federations (e.g. USSR, Yugoslavia, Tchekoslovakia)

3 Balkans & East vast movements of national religious groups recomposing – New states & borders emerging

4 Some members witnessed their national unity challenged (e.g. Belgium, UK, Italy, Spain) due to weight of internal divisions

5 Devolution: the transfer of power from the central government to sub- governments

6 Map of autonomist movements in the European Union, September 2013 - Red names indicate regions with movements that only claim greater autonomy within the actual state. Black names indicate regions with important secessionist movements, although both categories include moderate movements. The nations highlighted in colors are the territories claimed by the local nationalist groups, including areas out of the state's borders and cases of annexation to other states.


8 B. In West, European nation-states 1st to enter exceptional supranational project EEU Economic Unit EC Political Unit EU Federation Supranational organization: one which transcends national boundaries to make decisions on a geopolitical level

9 Video: A Brief Summary of the History of the EU Enlargement


11 Euro pessimists vs. Euro optimists

12 Case Study 1: Turkey and the EU

13 Case Study 2: The UK and Devolution

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